Tuesday, May 19, 2015

The Monday with Mike back from Chch


Well, the day was brilliant for sunshine.  So much so that Aidan decided she needed to get out amongst it and emailed me if I was free for lunch.  We ate our lunch on a cold concrete wall outside parliament.  But the sun on our backs made up for the cold underneath us.  I enjoyed catching up with Aidan - she's been a little elusive of late.  And with her adventures coming up (presenting at a conference in England in early June and meeting colleagues over there), I will take advantage of random, spontaneous lunches with her as I might not see much of her over the next wee while.

I rather coveted her leftover enchiladas.  I mean, my bread roll was pretty good.  Made just how I like it (given I made it, that's a good thing!).  But, her enchiladas were so yummy looking.  She never even contemplated a lunch swap, I noticed.  Her portion was a fair bit smaller than my bread roll though.  It might not have dented my appetite in the slightest.  And I seemed to do a lot of talking this lunchtime, because my bread roll took far longer to consume than her lunch.

I caught a slow bus home and found Toby happily eating his way through the fridge.  But I made his favourite dinner (chicken schnitzels) and he ate all that too.  Mike got home while I was still awake!  Yay.  His trip went well.

We went to bed fairly early as I was getting up early for my run and Mike wanted to get some work done nice and early.  However, I suspect he merely had more time to read the entire Internet.  Hahah.  He was in a good mood.  We ate breakfast together and I was telling him about someone that I thought wasn't doing exactly the right thing (according to Angela - so, no judgement really) and I called that person a goose.  Mike burst out laughing, snorting his coffee through his nose.  I was slightly indignant that my comment had got this reaction until he said he found my words so funny.  To him, the "goose" would be "what a stupid #@!$%#@ idiot!".

I was a little appeased by this.  But later, after I had gone down to wake up Toby, I came back and I have no idea what I said but he decided to chase me around the house, threatening me with kisses.  As I ran away from him, I wondered what on earth I was doing.  I'd rather be caught if that was the threat.  So I ran into the bedroom and threw myself on the bed and waited for his embrace.  But all I got was uncontrollable laughter.

Glad I made him so happy.  Hahahah!  Funny boy.  But he really shouldn't laugh like that when his wife throws herself on the bed and waits to be caught.

Oh - Aidan had some good news.  Yesterday morning as she was showering, Josh came back from the basement and told her to stop showering because the water was overflowing from the drain and running all over the stored cartons.  She gave him that look (the one that says you must be stupid, I am covered in soap and I am going to wash it off right now!) and then resolved to have a look at the damage when she got home from work.  But she found a giant hairball blocking the drain and fixed her plumbing woes herself.  I think she felt rather empowered by this.  Certainly a lot richer for not needing to call out a plumber.  And apparently no damage to stored stuff.  Perhaps Josh has a Gilberting gene?  Maybe he told Aidan it was thigh deep water with storage boxes floating around?

It was raining as I rode in this morning.  Funny day out there really.  Rainy, and cloudy, but with sun peeking through.  I need a cup of tea.

Right.  Mike is off to a quiz night tonight.  I will ride home and feed Toby leftover chicken schnitzels.  Woot!

Have a wonderful day.


1 comment:

  1. Hey, you ran a sub-30 min five k's for the first time on Sunday, didn't you? That was the highlight of the weekend!
