Wednesday, March 2, 2016

The Tuesday with dragon boating training


What a long, busy day yesterday.  Started super early.  Lulu woke us up at some crazy hour.  Then I rode into work really early and had breakfast with Steph and Bronwyn at the Colonial.  Mmmmm.  Bacon butty and iced coffee.

Colonial iced coffee goodness

From there, it was just madness.  A new starter in the team meant lots of talking from me through the day in various meetings or other.

Finally I left and rode home.  Cooked tea for everyone, but I left before Mike got home.  Back to work to get my dragon boating kit and then down to the harbour.  The wind was a southerly and it was cold waiting for a boat.  But the water itself was so warm.  Lovely out there.  Mike came down to see us off.

Then back home and I think I crashed into bed.  Lulu only woke us up once I think.  And then again early this morning - but so did Toby.  Hahah.

Toby enjoys walking Lulu.  He walks her twice a day - first thing and when he gets home from school.

I watched her hunt and eat two cicadas yesterday.  She's funny.

I must tell Karen about seeing a wee cavoodle.  Toby and I were leaving his appointment on Monday when a man left carrying a dog in a wee wire cage.  Toby asked him if it was a cavoodle and the man was astonished.  Said Toby really knew his dogs and he was the first person to guess the right sort of dog.  He looked a lot like York!

Right.  Time to start the day.  Have a wonderful day.


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