Thursday was a day at work - I did get a coffee date in with Celia. Woot!
Coffee with Celia |
But it was all about Taupo by the end of the day. Final packing on Thursday night. Up early on Friday to see Mike off to work, and get all my stuff into the car. Picked up Iona at 8am at her parents' place and then we were off on our road trip to Taupo.
Peach teats on Friday morning! |
Soul Cafe for lunch - and an iced coffee. I had a great pasta here too. The iced coffee came with a jaffa positioned exactly on top. It was good. A solid 8.
We popped into the New World to pick up a few things for the weekend.
It's a jaffa! |
Ok - I'm good with this |
And it tastes pretty good. |
Ngauruhoe looms over the Desert Road |
Many road works along the way to contend with. Iona drove from Taihape, giving me the best views to look at through the plateau region. The weather was stunning. From Turangi to Taupo, the lake was simply gorgeousness.
Bib 41 |
Into our room around 2pm and off to pick up our registration bag. All seamless - thanks to the amazing volunteers. Wandered through the gear expo. Iona bought a floor pump. Woot!
Back to the room and prep for the big day. Bib on my bike cycle top. Gear all laid out. Realised I had left my bike jacket at home. Went with my new aquamarine jacket. Tyres checked. Helen (Iona's friend) had made dinner so we tucked into dhal - it was very good. Chatted with Mandy for a bit before Iona and I went to bed.
I reckon I was asleep around 9pm. Iona was up at 5am to get ready for her 6am start. The weather was overcast at that point - with rain forecast.
I got up at 6.30am and had a shower. Made brekkie. Porridge. Couldn't eat much. WeetBix - ate that - but only one. Scrambled eggs. Couldn't eat much. And then I puked! First time in years. Sigh.
Took two Voltaren after that, hopped on my bike and headed to my start group. 8.20am I was in line. The rain started not long after that. We got away at 9am on the dot - just as it was scheduled.
The race itself was hard work. The rain was at times pretty heavy - the sort that soaks through your helmet and dribbles down your face. The only good part of that was my dribbly nose ended up just being a part of the pouring rain. Hahahah.
The first 20 - 30 km I made good time. But after 50 km through to 100km, it was hard work. I nailed the downhills, which, okay, isn't hard. But anything with an uphill, I got passed like I was standing still. Sigh.
I got to Turangi in 5 hours exactly. An hour behind my schedule. I was cold by this time. But my Tailwind was doing great - taking sips every 5 - 10 mins from my Camelbak. I had 2 litres of it on my back, under my lovely new jacket. It wasn't that I had run out of energy like last year. Anyway, now I hit the headwind. But I also did well between Turangi and Licorice cafe - sitting on 30km/h. On my own. Like the whole way around. 7.5 hours in total had me crossing the finish line. And I was exhausted. So happy to see Iona's smiling face as I crossed the line. But, I was absolutely shattered.
And filthy. And wet. But not as sore as I have been - maybe the Voltaren kept the tense shoulders at bay.
My little black road cycling gloves (with the faintest of purple highlights) leaked dye all over my hands. My hands are purple. At one stage I looked down and saw my purple fingers poking out of the gloves and thought for a second I was turning blue with cold. Reminder: don't use those gloves in any scenario where it will get wet. Two days later - my hands still look like I was practising with henna tattoos. But wasn't very good at it. Which, actually, would be true. I would be hopeless. Hahah.
After the wet ride |
Iona had the car outside Replete, so I bundled my bike in (ok, she did) and folded myself into the car seat. She took me to Acapulco and I had a shower. A long, hot shower.
We ate dinner with Mandy and Helen - enjoyed the dhal again. Slowly perked up. But I was asleep by 8.30pm! Hahah. I woke at 4am, ready to face the day. I may have annoyed Iona and made her chat to me. But after a short chat, I fell asleep again. I kinda hope she did too. But she was up, boiling the jug and having a shower all while I was again comatose. So I don't really know if I pestered her and interrupted her sleep a lot.
I got up and was packed and ready by 8am. And we headed off to nab a table at Replete. Helen and Mandy weren't far behind us.
Replete brekkie |
Iced coffee |
My tummy was still a bit weird, so I ate some mushrooms (yum) and didn't even finish my iced coffee. OMG. Weird, or what?
Went back to the motel to ensure we were booked for next year. Yes, we all are! And haded home. Via Palmerston North to drop Iona off. Then Tawa to drop her bike and gear off (except I kept her wet shoes!).
Home to get the best surprise ever. Mike, Jase (and maybe Toby) had tidied like mad. It was like a new house. I was so happy. Thank you.
Did some laundry. Got paella from the new place in Wadestown. Ok - that was scrumptious. Let's eat there lots and keep them in business.
Had a great sleep. Up for Spin this morning. I will ease back into it this week. Rain forecast here all week. Oh dear.
And that was the weekend. Next goal? Kapiti Womens in late Feb. Gonna nail that sucker!
Toby has an exam today - this afternoon. Health. His last one for the year. Woot! Can't wait for him to be done and relaxing.
Enjoy your week ahead.