Friday, November 9, 2018

The Thursday with me going home sick


Happy birthday to Vivienne!

Well, it was a weird day.  Vanessa surprised me at work, and I leapt at the chance to catch up with her and have an iced latte.  Mmmmm.

Best iced latte because of the surprise from Vanessa

And, obvs, it's all about the coffee with her...


But that was the only work highlight.  I actually went home at lunch time sick.  Stupid cold.  Snot and cough.  Pah!

I did have to drive Toby to his appointment in town - and get out of my sick bed to do so.  Mother's work.  Sigh.  But as I drove home, I sat behind KQF652 at the traffic lights.  OMG!  I so wanted to toot and flash my lights - but they would have been oblivious that I was sitting behind them, with a number plate only one less than their number.

Anyway, back to bed.  And I didn't get ready like I usually do with all my gear for the next day.  I left the old pile at the end of the bed.  I thought I would get up early and sort it out Friday morning.

And as I set the scene, let me just say that I am a pyjamas proponent.  And Mike is in the anti pyjamas brigade.  Heck, he also likes cats.  And is a night owl.  Wow - is this a case of opposites attract?  Bwhahahah.  What I am trying to say is, I was naked.  Ok?  Enough said.

5.15am - my alarm goes off.  I used my torch on my phone so I didn't disturb Mike.  I see the huge, heavy glass pint on my bedside table, half full of lime cordial from the night before when Mike was running after his sick wife, retrieving drinks and dinner for her.  And I think, I need to take that to the kitchen.  So I pick it up, and fall over the pile of stuff I stupidly left out yesterday and drop the pint bang on top of the bridge of my foot.  Lime cordial (very sticky) goes everywhere.  Being naked, I am now not only sore, and trying to stand on one foot, I am also covered from the thighs down in sticky lime cordial.

At this ruckus, Mike wakes up.  Which is a little surprising as he has slept through fire alarms and earthquakes in the past.  But anyway, he asks what's wrong.  To me, the worst thing is the painful foot injury I have just inflicted upon my gorgeous foot.

My feet are my best feature.  What have I done?  This is my thought process.

His?  He hears nothing about my foot, only the lime cordial disaster.  So he leaps out of bed to get the mop.  Comes back, turns on the light (yay - cos I still  can't see and I can't move as I am injured - and now I can see the mess I have caused), and then sheepishly hands me the mop because he can't see.  No contacts in.

So I am naked, drenched in lime juice, and standing on one foot, while trying to mop up a mess.  And now I am thinking I should have stayed in bed.

My damaged, yet still eerily beautiful, foot

End up mopping, running around naked, and squeezing the mop into the toilet to continue the job.  Hoping like mad the antics have not woken anyone else up in the house - because how on earth do you explain any of this?

Running late.  Now need a shower before the gym because - well - sticky!  Can't eat my brekkie before I leave. 

All a mess.

And this?  This is why you never sleep naked!  That hosty that slept naked in the Kobe earthquake and had to run outside naked.  You always need to listen to her.  Always.

Pyjamas.  That's where it's at.  To prevent the indignity associated with the Kobe Earthquake and the Great Lime Cordial Disaster of 2018.

And you thought your day was going bad?  Heck, mine was pants by 5.30am! 


Have a good one.  You just know it'll be better than mine.


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