Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The Monday back at work


Is it really only Tuesday?  I am so convinced it is already Wednesday.  Sigh.  Let's see.  What did I do yesterday when it was Monday?

Came to work.  Powered through the morning.  Hit a wall at lunchtime and never recovered.  Not a wall as in "hit the wall" and can't work anymore.  More like a wall that you keep hitting your forehead on and not really making any headway.

Happens, I guess.  Luckily not too often.

But I got to Spin after work and saw the leaderboard.  Oosshh.  In 5th spot.  But those nutters ahead of me are going to almost every Spin class.  Not sure I can reel them in.  Told Sarah (top of the board) we should make a breakaway group and bust loose from the pelaton and get out in front.  But it doesn't really work like a real bike ride.  Hahahah.


Grooming on my lap

Funny wee thing - and so is Moxley

Went home and Mike had cooked the best dinner.  Tofu and paneer with spinach and other yummy stuff.  Coconut cream - which I think makes everything good.  And crunchy red peppers - and a bit of hit spice.  Chillies?  Dunno.  But it was good!

Off to bed while Mike cleaned the kitchen.  The pantry looks amazing now.  I woke up twice in the night as it was a fierce stormy night.  This morning as I fumbled for my Weetbix from the pantry, it looked like Mike had been a machine in there.  Wow.

[Mike here: the reason I tidied the pantry is that I needed unusual things for what I was cooking so I was exploring its deepest darkest reaches. And I found all sorts of weird, wonderful and expired things. Much of it got thrown away and lots of it got moved around to be more accessible. Fun fact: we appear to have about 10 cans of sweetened condensed milk. I have no idea why.]

Off to boxing and then spin.  As you can see, boxing makes my body work much harder.

Boxing followed by Spin - this morning

I can't believe I forgot to take a pic until I actually finished my iced latte
And got a coffee - but forgot until I was done to get a pic.  Doh!

And the day looms large.  Spin after work.  Yay!

Tomorrow we have lawyer stuff at lunch.

Enjoy your day!  Toby is in Chc and waiting to come back to WLG.  Maybe tomorrow?  His photo of the snowy Lindis Pass was wonderful.


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