Wednesday, July 10, 2019

The Tuesday with birthday dinner


 What a day!  Google did remind me of a ski trip with Toby in 2012 to Mt Hutt.  He looks so cute!

2012 ski trip to Mt Hutt

I did get an iced latte in the day though - usually if I am early enough I can get the time.  Yes!

Mmmm, Machete

We had a farewell lunch for Anooj - and Khemry's lunch was rice with meat.   The antithesis of my lunch.  She's funny!

Khemry's meaty lunch

My veggie one
I learned a new word yesterday.  "Prepone".  It's the opposite of "postpone".  If we have a meeting scheduled, and we want to bring it forward in time, we can prepone the meeting.  It's a word in Indian English and fully deserves a place in British, Australian and New Zealand English.  Not sure about American English - they have little idea of a fortnight.  Maybe they have a whole heap of other useful words to add into their lexicon before we get to "prepone"?  Queue.  Handbrake (ok, so apparently Americans call a handbrake the "emergency brake" - which must be why no one ever uses it in movies!!  When you stop the car and park, it isn't exactly an emergency.).

So, if you ever have a meeting with me, and you or I need to bring it forward in time, I will totally prepone that meeting.  Boom!

Met up with Mike after work at Little Beer Quarter and as I sat with him at his table, I looked around the place.  And saw Sally sitting at another table, with her wine, waiting for everyone.  Hahahah.

We eventually secured a table for all of us and did sit together.  Aidan and Janne arrived and we took a look at the Victoria Lane Apartment showroom before going to WBC for dinner.

Nice food - but not a lot of vegetarian options.  I enjoyed what I ate.  Mmmm.  Good chips.  :-)  The mushroom puree and glazed turnip was surprisingly good.

Grabbed the car from the carpark and drove back a bit closer to the restaurant, picking up my backpack from work on the way.  Some of us ate dessert and then we were off home.

I had the best sleep!  After two nights of little sleep, it was great to hit the pillow.  Toby is packed for his trip down south with Tessa.  I said goodbye to him.  He has a haircut and looks very nice.

Right.  Quiz tonight.  Oosshh!

Have a great day!


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