Friday, August 21, 2020

The Thursday with a bit of this and that


Friday - yayday.  It has been a weird week but I can confirm it is definitely Friday.  Friday is permeating the day with its happiness.

I am allowing the Friday feels to flow through my body.  I am looking at 8 hours of work still - but the day looks pretty busy so it should go fast.

How cute can a cat be?

Mike used his business number to print out a covid QR code for our house.  He is so cool.  Is that a geeky thing to love?

He is tall and posted it too high (I complained about his ableism, he pointed out the steps that have to be negotiated to get to our front door, I said after all that effort they see something that is easily fixed just out of reach and their previous energy levels at getting to our front door could be dashed, and could you just move it down a bit more?  He did - because he is wonderful).

And I hope that Celia does manage to visit for a cuppa after work today so she can be the first person to scan in.  :-)  And she is very tall, so she may have to bend down a little to scan in, but that is perfectly manageable.

You can scan in at our house now.  

Toby and Tessa have a mid term break today (Friday).  I think they want to do some pre Blair Witch filming on certain scenes.

Yeah - don't ask me anymore about that as it is obvs I know nothing.

And they showed me a clip on YouTube about the salami lid not fitting on the salami container.  And I didn't get why it was funny.  Apparently I will never get it because I am a boomer.

Which, I am not, by the way!  

But Mike and I decided because I don't actually want to even understand that dumb clip, that, by definition, makes me a boomer.



Friday morning and Mike went to collect the car (ouch - $850 for a WoF and service - we needed new bushes) and have brekkie in town with his mates.

Home made iced latte Friday morning

And a bit later - all gone.  And it was goooooood.

Mike's Old Bailey breakfast this morning - Halloumi instead of bacon

The weekend is coming, the weekend is coming.  It is looking a little watery and grey out there.  But let's see what happens.

Could be perfect basement wrapping weather.

Take care.



Contact register:

Thurs Aug 20

Tessa to our house

Friday Aug 21

Mike to Brendan Motors  ~ 7.30am

Mike to Old Bailey ~ 8 - 9am

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