Monday, October 19, 2020

The weekend with an election and a school ball


What an amazing weekend.  Let's see if I can remember it all.  Saturday morning saw us get up for boot camp.  And it was a tough morning.  But we did it.

Picked up the corsage for Tessa for Toby's school ball from the florist in The Grand.  Then home to have brekkie.

Toby got ready @ 3pm and headed off at 4pm to meet Tessa at Loretta's in Cuba St.  He pinged us to say he had left his ticket at home.  So I found that and we drove back to drop it off.

As I wandered into Loretta's to find him, I heard someone say "Angela".  Turned around and barely recognised Tessa dressed up all ready for her evening.  She looked lovely.

Toby looking amazing for his school ball

He's so handsome

Mike and I headed out to Sally and Andrew's place and settled in for election night.  And a lot of food.  Like - a lot!  I am still groaning at the thought of it from this distance.

The election was amazing.  NZ voted for Greens in a way not seen before.  Chloe won AKL Central and the party vote saw them secure seats.  But Labour got enough seats to govern outright.  First time a govt has done that under MMP.

Eleanor and Hamish came over to watch with us too.  Good to see them.

Home around 1am.

Up at 8.30 to get ready for brekkie @ The Botantist with Ana and Daniel.  Might have been my only chance to eat a WOAP burger.  It was really good.  Strange event when we arrived with a dog just leaving and defecating all over the inside door mat.  Why do you bring a dog into a restaurant if that is a possibility?  Anyway - good to see Ana and Daniel and the burger was good.

I left Mike there and hurtled out to Porirua Park.  Stupid Google maps took me to the wrong side of the park so I drove to the main car park and found Elly and enjoyed the rugby.  Otago Spirit versus Wellington Pride.  Otago nearly pulled off a draw with the game tied with 6 minutes to go at 24 all.  But Wellington got a penalty right in front of the sticks in the last minute of the game.

Sunday morning WOAP @ The Botantist

The Greta Thunburger.  It was very good.

At the rugby with Elly

It was a close game - but Wellington won in the last minute with a penalty right in front of the sticks

Elly and I played kick footy with her AFL ball after the game on the field above.  That was great fun!  Then home to sort out a few things.

Up for PT session Monday morning and then grabbed a spontaneous coffee date with Roanne ahead of a day at work.

Monday morning iced latte @ Ugly Bagels

Have a great week.



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