Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Good morning on Tues, Jun 15


Brrrr.  The weather here this morning has put a massive dent in my resolve to ride in no matter what the conditions.  It was pouring with rain as I woke and lay in bed contemplating life, the silly radio station and the weather but I committed to biking in.  So I had my shower and got my bike gear on.  But it is Tuesday morning - and that means rubbish morning.  I got the recycling sorted and the rubbish bag sorted.  Then I put my jacket over my bike gear and went up to the road twice with each lot of rubbish.  it was so cold.  The big steady raindrops were huge and cold.  Very cold.

I came back in and changed into work clothes and got my bus ticket ready.  Soft.  Mind you, it has taken a while for my feet to thaw out despite coming in by bus.  Imagine if I'd ridden.

Toby will be back at school today.  We think he has recovered sufficiently from his bout of chicken pox to return to school.  I'll try and leave on time today and get him relatively early.

I spoke to Ma yesterday and she was a lot more chipper after a relaxing weekend.  And Dad has his "weekend" today and tomorrow.  After yesterday's brilliant weather, they'll be pleased to stay tucked up at home out of this weather.

Keas went really well last night.  We got to do our torchlight walk up past the Karori Sanctuary fence and we heard some birds (couldn't identify them, but one might have been a tui up later than it should be), saw a moth and heard lots of wind by the time we climbed high enough.  The wind and the dark scared one of our younger Keas and he held my hand for a bit of it.  But when the kids all ran back down the hill, he was off running with them (not me - I was gingerly climbing back down the track trying not to fall over).

Toby didn't attend Keas - next week for him.  But karate should be on for him on Wednesday.

Have a great day!


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