Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A funny Tuesday morning for Mike and Toby

This morning was great.  It went so, so smoothly.  I had plenty of time to get ready.  Toby got up about 10 min early and was in a great mood, and was dressed and ready to go long before he needed to be.  Out the door we went, a couple minutes early, and we collected Alex and Yingjie and I dropped everyone at the library where the school bus leaves from.

You know where this is going, don't you?  I don't do smooth easy mornings, and if I do, I certainly don't bother blogging about them.

As they were walking to the bus stop, I noticed that Alex and Toby looked - different to each other.  They usually look very cute in their matching uniforms.  Toby was - greyer somehow.  Oh no!  He didn't have his blazer on!  I asked him what would happen.  He looked pretty worried and said that it was assembly today and he HAD to have his blazer...

So I jumped back in the car, zoomed home, and grabbed the errant blazer.  Plenty of time, I thought.  We were early, after all... I got to the bus stop - just as the school bus was pulling away!  Argh!  So I tucked in behind it and chased it to the next bus stop.  I flicked the hazard lights on and threw the car to the left of the bus, ready to jump out with the blazer.  But oh no!  There was just one boy getting on at this stop - the doors were closing just as I got out of the car.  But luckily - the bus driver saw me and let me on.  "Where's blazer boy?" he called cheerily down the bus.  I wandered down and found Toby.  Hopefully this was a humourous event for all the other boys on the bus, and not one that Toby will never live down...

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