Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Wednesday with no Toby


Mike came over to my work and we ate dinner at Joe's Garage.  I went there because I had a dire need for an iced coffee.  The late afternoon/evening shift does it slightly different to the sublime iced coffee I have had in the earlier part of the afternoon.  But it was still pretty good.  We ate dinner where I ordered Joe's Caesar Salad (with anchovies - because I like them).  I couldn't finish it because it was full of vegetables.  Well, salady vegetables anyway.  Heheheh.  You'd never know that I was a vegetarian for at least six months when we lived in London.  Sort of, a reluctant vegetarian.  One that doesn't like vegetables.  I jest (a little) - because there are plenty of vegetables I like.  It's just that I like them on my own terms!

Anyhow, we ate a lovely dinner and then wandered around to the tramping club.  It was New Member's Night, and Mike and I stand behind a desk trying to promote family tramping.  It is actually a lot of fun talking to strangers about tramping.  Perhaps I am not as shy as I once thought?  We have some new takers to add to the email distribution list.

Home to fell into a coma and wake to a terrific rainy, windy morning.  But it is all okay as we had to drive in to take the wee green car in to get its muffler fixed (so no one will suffocate if they decide to sleep in our boot - while the car is running, and with the lid shut).  I'd best remember I have to pick up the car at the other end of the day!

Anyhow, have a great day!

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