Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Wednesday with Parent/Teacher meeting


Mike and I had dinner in town (Wagamama - yum!) while Benjamin collected Toby from Alex's house and babysat him (thanks Vivienne and Benjamin).  Then we picked up Alex's mum (Yingjie) and went to Scots for the first parent/teacher evening of the year.

We were very early but it meant Mike and I had Ms. Kidman to ourselves for a good 10 minutes.  Toby has a desk right next to the teacher.  I know Toby likes his teacher by the way he tells me what she tells him.  And sure enough - she is a very personable woman.  And full of energy!  Awesome.  Just what Toby needs, I think.

We met some other parents and had a tour through the new CPAC building (a super fancy music and art and dance building with all the bells and whistles).  Home late to relieve Benjamin of his duties.

This morning was a bit different to normal as I found head lice and that meant two showers for me (first one was normal, second one involved smelly shampoo) and making sure the boys also used smelly shampoo.  Nice.  Toby announced in the car on the way to the bus stop to Alex "The reason the car smells funny is because my mother has head lice".  Nice.  I imagine his class will no doubt be informed of the same thing in an equally loud voice this morning.  Fortunately I think I caught it early.  I had one baby louse and I found a giant mother louse in Toby's hair.  But nothing else.  And Mike was as clean as a whistle.  So, who knows?

Anyhow, it is nothing that a wonderful cup of tea won't sort out.  A few sips and I won't care about the trials of the world, will I?  Or, at the very least, the efficacy of Paradiso branded head lice shampoo will pale into insignificance.

Have a fantastic day.  Don't scratch your hair like that!  Heheheheh.


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