Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Wednesday with our first BBQ


'Tis the season...  for barbecuing   Choice.  I dragged the cover off the BBQ last night and took the lid off and groaned.  Then I cleaned the hot plates and found a gas bottle and eventually I was able to cook dinner! It was scrumptious but by the time I was eating Kapiti vanilla ice cream (oooohhh - it's good!) I was more than a little chilly.

Yesterday was so beautiful here.  At lunch time I went into Midland Park over the road from work and ate a bowl of strawberries.  I asked for two bowls, one with my ice cream (no no yucky red sauce stuff!) and one with my strawberries.  They laughed and said I was the first bespoke serving for the day.  I sat in baking hot sunshine with some colleagues and listened to the Wellington Ukulele Orchestra giving a free concert.  It was such a lot of fun.

Of course, The Hobbit world premier was also on yesterday afternoon so all the eyes of the world were on Wellington.  The day was superb and the helicopter shots of Wellington did a great job selling this as paradise on Earth.

Anyhow, we had a great dinner at home.  Jack was staying over because his parents were busy.  We went to sleep with our red lamp in our bedroom providing a night light for Toby.  His night light was too bright for Jack.  I never had any bother falling asleep.  Even with the bright moon lighting up our room from behind the punga.  But perhaps it did affect me because I had an amazing dream!

The dream had me travelling with my suitcase on the train from Karen's house to the airport.  I got halfway and thought I might be late for my flight so I rang Mike.  He panicked I was going to be late (which of course panicked me, because Mike never worries about being late) and said I had to catch a taxi the rest of the way.  To... Gatwick!  Which, is an airport in London.  This astonished me.  So much so that Mike says my brain compensated for me being late and missing my plane by providing the ideal "get out of jail card" in the shape of a Zombie Apocalypse.  Yep.  Zombies.  Ended up with all my worldly possessions in an abandoned farm house in the middle of nowhere.  Had to barricade ourselves in at night against the zombies.

One day some men broke in and fiddled with the electricity.  They short circuited the system and the light went out.  Aidan T turned up and said they had tripped the circuit board and wandered off to flip it back on. Meanwhile, I looked out the window and saw a massive tsunami coming over the hills.  Mike and I braced ourselves in the house and Toby went out for a better look.  Fortunately the house floated (it is a dream) and Mike picked Toby out of the water.  We landed eventually and wandered around with some survivors.  I saw people carrying their gear.  One family were riding a giant Dachshund - all their gear lashed on, and the Dad with some reins.  Weird.  Weird.  Then I woke up.

I may be going a bit mad!  Hahahah.
Have a great day!

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