Thursday, December 12, 2013

The Wednesday before Toby's birthday


Happy birthday today for Toby!!!  Eleven years old.

It was another warm day yesterday in Wellington - a cruise ship was in port but I don't think they'll be flocking to immigrate here just yet.  It was nice, but not spectacular.

I had two lunches yesterday.  Awesome when that happens.  The second lunch was fortunately reduced to a coffee.  Hahahah.  Met up with Aidan for a quick first lunch.  First time I have caught up with her since her thesis defence on Monday.  She has recovered from that ordeal (it wasn't so arduous for her anyway - after three years or more of dreading it, it was anti climatic in its final form - all that hard work obviously paid off) and could talk in sentences of more than three words and some words even had multiple syllables.  Well done to her.  Not sure when she gets her degree actually conferred and can be called Dr. Aidan.

Also saw Christine as I was waiting for Aidan.  She happened to park her car right in front of where I was sitting.

The second lunch didn't start quite so well.  My lunch date had forgotten and I didn't have her cellphone number.  I emailed her and she got that and came running.  But I was unaware she had got the email and was wondering when I should wander off when she arrived.  This is a woman from a client that I got to know over the course of a project.  We had a good chat - mainly about bicycles.  She wants to buy one.

Rahzoo iced coffee with Kimberley

Then back to work and not long after that off to collect Toby.  Then a bit more work and then on the bus home.  We sat next to Andy, my old manager from my last work.  So, I did a lot of brief socialising today.

Home to cook tea for me and Toby.  Mike eventually got home but Toby and I were fast asleep.

This morning is Toby's birthday!  He got up at 5.30am.  Excited, much?  I stumbled out of bed and found the presents and left him contented in bed.

Present detritus surrounds Toby

Time to start the day!

Have a wonderful day.


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