Wednesday, July 30, 2014

The Tuesday with nothing for me


I had a bit of a panic yesterday - Toby called me and said he had an exam and had to stay later than usual at school.  I had to ride home, grab the car and drive over to collect him.  Off I rode, furiously, up the hill.  Lucky it was a nice evening, after some earlier rain.  Not too windy (that came later in the evening).  But just as I got home and started to change, Toby texted to say he was getting a lift home from Susan (Jake's mother).  Hooray!  Thanks Susan.

I cooked up spaghetti bolognese for dinner and Toby ate it all up (it is one of his favourites after all).  Mike rode home and was starving, so he also ate spaghetti bolognese for his dinner (I was keeping it for his lunch).

Mike had a lot of prep to do for tramping club things.  But Kara rang in the middle of it and cheered me up no end and decided, spontaneously, to come away skiing with us this weekend.  Woot!  Happy about that.  It's been probably 15 years since we skied together last.

Relaxed for the evening before bed.  I was asleep pretty quick, despite Mike working on the laptop.  I hope Shona and Sharon had a good day yesterday for their birthday.  And it's Karen's birthday on Friday.  Busy week for the Emmerson girls.  :-)

The ride in this morning was a bit wetter.  No rain, but it rained heavily overnight so the roads were wet.

Have a lovely day.

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