Thursday, November 26, 2015

The Wednesday with Lulu staying


After I left home yesterday morning, Josh dropped Lulu off for a sleepover.  Hahah.  I was excited to ride home and see her.  But I had to leave her all excited to see me and head out to collect Toby and feed Ange's cats.  Then we got back and Toby took Lulu for a walk.  They were both so happy.  Mike got home just as Toby left.

I cooked some dinner for Toby and Mike made some dinner for himself and I then got ready for the first dragon boating training session.  But first we took Lulu for another walk - but just around the block.  I think having a dog is marvellous!

I jumped in the car and headed to Freyburg pool.  Met Dave who was the first one there and waited for the others to turn up.  We did some warm ups and then tried paddling technique and timing.  Ummmmmm....  It's a bit hard.  Hahahah!  I have a lot of work to do over the summer.

I dropped Ian off at the station and then did some more grocery shopping.  Seems I practically live there in the evenings lately.  But I was alone so I went to my favourite supermarket.  Not the yucky Aidan one.

Back home and I was pleased to fall into bed.  Perhaps I didn't quite get to sleep early enough.  Mike took Lulu off our bed and down to Toby's room.  She stayed there all her doggy night.  Her doggy night seems to end at 4.20am!  That was when she came back to our room.  Oooohhh - that was a wee bit early.  We managed to put her off for a wee bit, until my alarm went off at 5am.  She obviously saw that as the signal for some play time.  Her tail was waggling hard because I could hear it thumping on the walls around our bed.

I got up and decided against a run in favour of an early morning walk with her.  Yay!  We only walked about 1.5 km but I think she had enough by then.  Back home for food for her while I showered.

I left the boys still in bed when I left, despite my pleas for them to get out of bed.  I hope they have made a move now!

I think Mike has something on after work today.  I'll ride home and do the laundry and make tea and tidy.  The place oddly needs a good lux now.  Seems like there are light coloured dog hairs everywhere.

Have an incredible day!


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