Thursday, May 16, 2019

The Wednesday with a sore back and physio


I ended up having to go home at midday with my back just going into spasms for no reason.  Well, not "no reason".  I know why.  But nothing I could do seemed to fix it enough for me to sit and work.

I caught the bus home and lay on the floor at home and tried to get comfy.  Seemed to work like that - and the cats were pleased I was constantly at their level.

Cat found a warm spot

Mike got me a physio appointment at 2.20pm so I took the bus back in and saw Niki at Capital Sports Medicine.  She gave me exercises to do - and said my back was pretty stiff.  And that my body was  already trying to compensate for the injury.  Great.

I went home and did my exercises like mad.  Many times.  And again this morning.  I need it fixed.

When I fed the cats last night, the universe tilted a bit.  Smudge usually leaves food in her bowl, and Moxley finishes it off.  But last night, I fed Moxley in the kitchen, took Smudge to her bowl in the bathroom, and fed her there.  I closed the door to the lounge to keep them apart - like usual.  To give Smudge time to eat in peace.

I got distracted with talking to Mum, Dad and Karen (and Tyler and Abby - and saw Scott briefly) on Messenger video.  30 mins later I realised Smudge was still outside the lounge.  I opened the door and checked her food - all gone.

But - in the weirdest thing - Moxley had food left in her bowl. And Smudge came over and ate it.  While Moxley just watched.

Hilarious cat antics

Sunset was on fire

Fiery glow

Sunset was amazing.  Like it was on fire.  My pics were ok - but my social media had some incredible ones.

Iced latte with Mike and Andrew

Iced latte with Mike (and Andrew yesterday).  And I am now heading to Nelson with Sally for the weekend in a house expedition.

Missing Eurovision.  Oh. 

Have an awesome day.


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