Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Good morning on Tues, Mar 31
A night of Gilbert logistics in store for us. I had Toby drop-off duty this morning as I have a release tonight at 1730. The glitch being Mike has a release from 1900 (mine and his are co-dependent - I need his links to be up for my new links to work). So Mike will head home at 1630 and collect Toby and take him to Maccas for dinner. Then when I am finished my work, I'll take Toby home.
And really, that is all that is on the cards for today. I did enjoy my morning with Toby. He slept in to about 7.35am and ate all his Weetbix and rode his scooter into school.
Life should go back to normal tomorrow following the release tonight. Hopefully.
We have booked the ferry for Easter to head over to the South Island. We leave on the 1900 ferry on Wednesday night (Thursday is a teacher only day at school so we took that off as annual leave) and return Monday at 1300. Depending on what Mike's parents are up to we shall either drive like the wind to Dunback, or meet them elsewhere. The tent and a Top 10 Holiday park might be the go. That should keep Toby happy.
Ok. Time for a meeting. Have a great day!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Good morning on Mon, Mar 30
What a marvellous weekend. It all started horribly too. Mike pulled me aside at about 1400 on Friday and said his project was turning to worms and he might need to work all weekend. Not only that, but because we had committments to drive people up, I'd still need to go with Toby. Yikes!
So, I went to collect Toby from soccer and saw the last 10 minutes of his game. It was the play off for third place in his league. And they won 2 - nil. His team got third place! Hooray. They have a trophy but Toby seemed much happier getting the Freddo Frog chocolate.
Then we drove back to work and Toby coloured-in for a while until I had to leave to collect strangers to take them up to Ruapehu. Mike managed to avoid the need to work over the weekend and he drove up behind us (2 hours or so behind) in the little green car. I drove two people up and was very pleased that Toby was his sparkling best and provided almost continous questions all the way up to the mountain. He was the only one of our passengers that didn't fall into a coma.
We found a room to ourselves in the lodge and we got ready for bed. Toby was so excited and when Mike texted he was there Toby leapt out of bed to find him. By the time I guided Mike up the hill to the lodge Toby had conned someone into making him a hot Milo. How does he do that?
Next morning was very wet and misty and Mike's summit bid was called off. So Mike joined us on our easy tramp. Toby got it in his head that rain meant sitting in the lodge playing his DS Lite all day. He was most put out by having to wear wet weather gear and start tramping through forest. Because of the conditions our tramp was changed too. We walked through lovely beech forest instead of exposed saddles. Toby took about 30 minutes to stop yelling and moaning, and another 30 minutes to start enjoying it. It stopped raining by about then and Toby enjoyed the rest of the 4 hour tramp immensely. He was quite a bit slower than the rest of our group and we split up before lunch and the Gilbert trio became our own tramping group. That was the key for Toby to fire up his imagination and Man Vs Wild became the order of the day. I think it reached its zenith when Mike pretended to eat a bug and popped a bobbly looking twig into his mouth and munched it. Toby's eyes nearly popped out of his head. The rest of it Toby seemed to be the camera crew for Mike's attempt to tame the Wild. It involved lots of quicksand and bugs.
We got back and I read my book in bed and snoozed until dinner. Toby wasn't hungry as he and Tom (an 8 year old along too) had scoffed an entire packet of chocolate girl guide cookies.
Next morning we packed up and cleaned. Toby was excellent luxing and mopping everywhere. We took off (after buying Toby a helmet for the ski season) and Toby and I were in the wee green car and Mike was driving the not-quite-so-much-strangers to the venue for the next walk. We walked up the Old Coach Road outside Ohakune (drive up Old Station Road and Marshalls Rad to the start of the walk) and it was lovely. There is an old viaduct for the train line and the walk across that was great. Toby loved this walk and Mike and the two boys beat me back by 6.5 minutes (I was chasing hard after them - but they were running). We have to go here again and again. Easy, lovely walk.
Toby and I drove back to Wellington with a stop at the Levin Adventure Park. The best thing was the hamster wheel we ran inside. Toby thought it was hilarious.
We all crashed into bed early.
Have a great week.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Good morning on Fri, Mar 27
The car is all packed for the weekend. I am not sure what will happen at the other end of the day though. Toby may be playing soccer. In which case, I have no idea where he'll be. I best contact Aidan and ask her if she's taking Toby to soccer. We will be at the train station around 1715 or so.
Mum and I had the first table tennis night last night. I was beaten soundly by quite a few 14 year old boys unable to contain their glee at whacking a ball past my nose when I dished up a nice lolly return to them. I enjoyed the evening. Mum had a ball (heheheh) and is probably cast on the couch today after running around like a mad thing all evening. Next week - same thing.
I hope the weather is good for the weekend and Toby and I get to walk somewhere. We have got a weekend pencilled in for early May back to Paua Hut. Toby has asked to swim in the river this time. Yikes! That'll be Toby and my second qualifying trip with the club. One more after that and we can both join up.
Have a great weekend.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Good morning on Thurs, Mar 26
It looks lovely out there as I type this. Not much wind and blue skies. The sun hasn't peeped over the hill yet. It is dark coming down the hill though so I want daylight savings to finish so I can see the road once more - at least for a month or so.
Karate went well last night. Toby concentrated quite well although the exercise was tricky for him as they had to use the crane stance nearly the whole time. He's not too bad balancing on his right foot, but the left foot is pretty wobbly.
Tonight is the first night for me and Mum to play table tennis down in Ngaio somewhere. Although I have no idea at this point where or when it is, I am sure my mother will sort me out. If there is anyone that wants to join us, feel free. I think it is about 7.30pm in some hall in Ngaio. I'm looking forward to it. We used to play together in Melbourne when I was about 18 or so. We had fun doing that in the local league. This might be more casual than that. I must dig out my table tennis bat.
Ok. Time to get stuck in. My Weetbix was pretty good.
Have a great day.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Auckland a soulless city? Never!
Good morning on Wed, Mar 25
What a lovely morning ride in. No wind at all. I sped down the hill and into work. All good on hair washing day (I like to be early when I use the shower at work for longer than usual).
It is karate day so I'll be off at 1615 to ride home and collect wee Toby. I think Mum might be coming over to cook dinner (will she collect Toby from school I wonder and have him ready?). Wednesdays have turned into tricky timing days. We need fast dinners after karate (or already cooked ones, eh Ma?? Heheheh). Next term I think Mondays will be the same.
Mike worked late last night. He is flat out at work. I never see him! He'll probably stay back tonight too as he has tramping club to attend.
Not much else on. I hope everyone has a good day.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Good morning on Tues, Mar 24
Well, poor Mum. And poor wee Katie. Toby got a play date at home yesterday after school as he never invites anyone over during the week because he goes to After School Care. So Mike arranged for Mum to collect him and Katie after school. Apparently it was going well until Toby's new Lego truck lost its ladder pieces and Toby lost the plot! Toby wouldn't stop crying and Katie got all upset and wanted to go home. I managed to calm Toby down on the phone and Mum then got everything under control. But Mike and I rushed home just in case. So, we got home by 1630.
We may wait some time before trying a playdate midweek again. Certainly not with a newbie to our house.
So my week already feels slightly hectic. I had Toby drop-off duty this morning and the roads were quite dry for my ride in. Not too bad at all.
Chicken satay sticks in the fridge for dinner tonight. With rice and some token veges. Yummo!
I need a cup of tea. Bring it on!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Good morning on Mon, 23 March
What a good weekend we had. Mike performed miracles of logistics on Friday afternoon and eventually got Toby, Duncan and Emerson to my work after their soccer (they didn't win but they seemed to have fun). We dropped Mike off at the railway station for his tramp to the Ruahines and drove back to our house. The boys played well and I got Hell Pizza in for dinner. All three boys ate their pizzas in their entirety.
Aidan and Josh came and whisked their boys away and Toby and I settled down to a festival of Power Rangers (I did spend a lot of time reading but Toby got sick of my lack of attention to the finer points of the Power Ranger episodes and I had to put the book down and watch avidly).
Next morning we went to collect Grandy to take her swimming with us. Unfortunately the motorway on SH2 was completely broken - all cars stationary and banked up the Ngauranga Gorge all the way from Horokiwi. So I took everyone to Lower Hutt via Heywards Hill. It only added about 40 km to our journey. Needless to say, Toby was very late for his lesson. He only got half of it. But I got him re-booked for next term. He won't have Amber as his teacher though - pity as she was excellent!
We took Toby to Queensgate for lunch and general wandering. Then back home to get ready for a bike ride along the Old Coach Road at the back of Johnsonville with the Tabors. It was great fun, but very short. We managed about 500m of trail. It was too rough and steep for young boys only off training wheels for 4 months! They did exceptionally well considering. Toby was behind me on the tag along.
Back to Mum and Dad's place for a sleep over. Sunday was a bit cold and wet and we spent lots of time indoors. But Sunday evening was Sally's birthday celebration. We had a great time at Sally and Andrew's house. Great food. I think I may still be full! We picked Dad up from work at 1730 so he came along too for the first time in ages. Toby had a late night so I hope he's ok this morning.
Mum will collect wee Toby and his friend Katie from the gum tree at school at 1500 today. I must tell After School Care Toby won't be there. Katie will come to play at our house. Mike arranged it last week with Katie's Dad.
I think Mike may have arranged take away for dinner tonight because tonight is the final episode of BSG. A two hour special. We have friends coming round to watch. We can't wait. Toby will be packed off to bed at 1930 and BSG will hit the screen. I'll get Mike to confirm as Mum was going to cook up tea for us all. I'll chat to Mum anyway.
Have a great week! I hope the weather improves here. I took the bus in. Soft.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Good morning on Thurs, Mar 19
It is a blustery old day here in Wellington. At least the roads were quite dry on the way in. The only gust that threw me off course was about 500m from our house along Mairangi Road. Heheheh.
Toby woke with a nightmare about getting hit by a car as he was picking up some toys. I must ask him more about it when I see him tonight.
It is Dad's weekend today (his Sunday as he had a day off yesterday too). I think they may pop around and make dinner tonight at our house. If I'm really good I may get macaroni cheese. Mum will stay on and babysit Toby as his classroom is having a parent get-together in Thorndon. Mike and I will go to that at 8pm. I can take Mum home when we get back from the meeting.
Toby had karate last night and it was very successful (although he had ants in his pants and jiggled a lot more than almost any other child). I must make it a habit to practise with him at home. We ate fresh pasta afterwards and that might be the option for Wednesdays as we don't have time to cook a proper meal on Wednesdays anymore. Mike came for the first time (he won't get to come that often) and enjoyed watching Toby.
Another busy day for me. I definitely need a cup of tea and some Weetbix.
Have a great day!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Good morning on Mar 18 - it's Wednesday
Halfway through the week. The weather is still holding out here in Wellington although the northerly has started and I got a good assist into work this morning. I flew up the back road behind Tinakori Rd. I have found if I get passed by a car at the second last judder bar, I can ride like mad and just catch the traffic lights at Tinakori Rd. My bike doesn't trigger them and cars are few and far between at that hour. I did 20 km/h up the rise chasing the car that came past this morning. It worked a treat.
Mike is working from home today in an effort to get things done. No one leaves him alone here - and it is generally things outside his normal job.
It is karate night so I leave work early - 1615 and ride home like mad to get to karate by 1730. With Mike home it'll be easier as Toby will be home and dressed by the time I fall through the door. I hope they allow me to stand up once more and try it out.
I saw the MRG (Mighty Red Galant) in the parliament carpark as I came past this morning. I wonder what the Bichan/Gilberts are up to? A night on the town?
It is time for a cup of tea and Weetbix. Then I am flat out all day.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Good morning on Mon, Mar 16
What a glorious morning here in Wellington today. Not a breath of wind and it was like that yesterday evening too. Very nice.
What a weekend! Friday was a great day for Toby. Their team won in soccer and the score was 1 - 0. And I have verified this with Duncan and Emerson's mother (she takes Toby to soccer) - Toby scored the winning goal! Hooray! Well done, Toby.
Toby went to play with Duncan and Emerson after the soccer and young Isaac joined them. Mike and I went to Mum and Dad's place for dinner. Then collected wee Toby and took him home. Next morning was swimming and although Toby was very distracted during the lesson, he is still coming along with his swimming.
Then Toby and I went to McDonalds for lunch (I got sushi so I was happy) and then we bought Jonathan's birthday present. We hurtled home and then went to Karori Pool for the pool party. Toby absolutely loved it. He spent about 4 hours in a pool this day!
Then Toby and I went home and Mike had tidied up and packed. Toby and I were off to collect Mum for a weekend at Castlepoint. We drove out there and got in about 6.45pm. We found our motel unit (Motel 1) across the road from the sea and went out for dinner. Dinner was late and we all went to bed pretty soon after getting back.
Next morning was brilliant. The morning cloud burned off and we all walked up to the lighthouse. Toby spent loads of time looking at washed up jellyfish and burying them with sand (so no one can see them again). From the lighthouse we could see loads of jellyfish swimming in the bay, and lots of little fish. Then we saw huge fish chasing and eating the little fish. It was great fun.
We ate a pie on the beach - well, I did. Mum and Toby abandoned their pie and/or location when sandflies and one wasp turned up. I ate all the pies! Heheheheh.
A motorcycle posse turned up with very flash bikes and Toby thought his Grandad was going to appear.
We headed off to Riversdale to have a look on the way back home. I think we all liked Castlepoint more - the rugged aspect appeals to us.
When we got back to Wellington we had a BBQ at home. Mike had put up the new clothes line and it all looked great!
Ok. Time to get stuck in.
Have a great week.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Good morning on Friday, Mar 13
Unlucky for some, maybe? Anyhow, I rode in and only got a little wet. Not too bad at all. I forgot to get Toby's soccer gear ready and meant to ring Mike in plenty of time to get him to do it. But I got stuck into work and completely sidetracked. So, I rang Mike at 8.30 and he'd just dropped off Toby. But he ran home and got Toby's gear, dropped it off and drove in! Isn't he good?
The weather is supposed to improve by lunchtime and the weekend should be nice. Mum, Toby and I are heading off overnight on Saturday night to explore parts of the Wairarapa. That's after Toby's swimming and a party for him to attend.
Mike has to work on Sunday. Work is turning to custard and Mike is riding in on his mighty charger to save the day. Go Mike!
So, Toby may have soccer. Or he may not. He may play with the Tabors afterwards. Or he may not. He may get dropped off at Mum's house. Or he may not. I may have to let After School Care know he is at soccer. Unless he isn't. I feel like I am losing control. I am sure everything will fall into place. Yep. That's what I'm counting on.
Have a simply grand weekend full of adventure. Roll on 1630 when I can ride back up the hill and have two days off!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Good morning on Thurs, Mar 12
The karate went very well indeed. Toby was dressed in his "gee" by the time I got home. The extra time saved by Mum and Dad collecting Toby meant I could squash in a shower before the karate. I spoke to the sensei and he said they are trying out a new thing where parents can join in with their kids. I am so glad I did it as I now realise how hard it is to do all the moves! So Toby and I can practise during the week and I can stand behind Toby during the karate and give it all a go. Great fun!
We went back to Mum and Dad's place afterwards and Mum made dinner. Toby did quite well with the new dish (pasta and sausages with capsicum and olives - for such a strong taste Toby did very well). Then Dad drove us back home for bedtime. Mike got in later after the tramping club night.
The council are re-laying the footpath in our street and oddly enough are starting at our doorstep. So we have a digger parked outside our garages at the moment. Mike will chat to them this morning and see if they can take away a lump of concrete outside our garage that makes the car touch down as we drive in. If that happens, it'll be great!
I think today is a normal day with nothing to rush off to or anything. I have mince in the fridge ready for spag bol.
I hope today goes well. The weather is very much colder than it has been. I wore a windstopper layer on top of my t-shirt this morning on the ride in. I was cold before I started and that isn't normal. Still wore bike shorts though. It never gets too cold for bike shorts.
Time for Weetbix and tea. Great!
have a marvellous day!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Good morning on Wed, Mar 11
It is karate day today. I think Mum and Dad will pop over and get Toby ready so it is super fast for me as I ride home and collect him. I think Toby is keen to try it today. We shall see.
Mike is still a little under the weather and taking the bus in. His cold is making his asthma worse than usual so the bus is a far better option till it clears up. He enjoyed the gory movie even more last night than last week. He may need psychiatric evaluations to go along with his cold and asthma medicines.
The weather is supposed to close in and be colder today. But the bright news is the newspaper has been told it'll go back to golden summer weather after this cold snap. And they know this... how? This is the least reliable weather forecasting place I've lived.
Ok. Time to leave the blogging world and head back to the reality of web development.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Good morning on Tues, Mar 10
A glorious morning here in Wellington. I missed all the rain yesterday - it poured down about 30 mins after I got into work and stopped well before I left to go home.
Mike seems to be a bit sick. The ride home nearly killed him last night. I think he is sick and his asthma is playing up. A double whammy. He woke during the night too and read or something. I wonder what that was about?
We had a good evening yesterday. Toby wanted to join Club Penguin as a member but it costs $7 a month so we were not keen. Mike eventually distracted him from that. But we enjoyed ourselves pottering around at home.
Nothing much on out of the usual this week. It should all go to plan. Mike is off to see Watchmen with work tonight - unless he stays home sick.
I think that may be it. Have a great day!
Monday, March 9, 2009
Good morning on Mon, Mar 9
What a lovely weekend. The weather was pretty good - as I type I look like Rudolph from being in the sun yesterday. Thought my sun hat had a wider brim that it obviously does.
I left work early on Friday to enjoy Toby's last day of soccer for the season. Not a good move. He had skinned his knee falling off his scooter - again. And as I whipped off his pants to put his shorts on, I pulled off his plaster. Oops. The crying and moaning started and didn't really stop. We walked out to the pitch with him hobbling and saying he didn't like soccer. Then... it started raining. With a whipping wind. So he sat miserable on the sidelines (there were enough players so he didn't need to play) until I caved in and we went and cuddled up in the car (Aidan T had driven us there). Aidan was astonished at Toby's moaning as he always is keen to play soccer with her. So, apparently they are playing again this Friday and I am not going.
Mike went home sick on Friday afternoon so Toby and I went out for yummy dinner to Mum and Dad's place. Roast beef. Then home for an early night.
Up for swimming on Saturday morning and Toby had another good lesson. Then Mum and I took Toby to see Bolt. This was by far the best of the three movies I saw last week! Better plot and lovely graphics. That pup was so cute. I took Mum to see a cheap furniture place (it wasn't very good) and then met up with Mike and Toby at Symphony in the Park. Kara was there with friends. Toby liked Raiders of the Lost Ark and the 1812 Overture with cannons!
Sunday we went up to Waikanae Beach with the Tabors. Mike and I drove the wee green car because Toby was in with Duncan and Emerson (their car is called Moby). I now have a bright red nose. There were loads of blue bottle jellyfish washed up on the beach with their tentacles spread out. Mike, Josh and the boys played fetch with a big black dog on the beach.
Then we went to Raumati Beach and the boys had rides on a ride-on train. After all that excitement it was back home and off to Christine's birthday party. Toby had loads of fun (well, I guess he did as I hardly saw him from when we arrived to when we left).
Back home to fall into a coma sleep to end the weekend. Great fun!
Time to start the day.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Good morning on Friday, Mar 6
Well, what a day that was. The release went surprisingly well after 10.5 hours of mayhem. Hmmmm. Maybe I should check it once more this morning just to be sure. Mike collected me at 1940 and we hurtled out to Island Bay to the Empire cinema to mingle with Jennie and her Oxfam walking crew and watch a private screening of Watchmen.
The movie was.... gross! Awful. Unnecessary. Pointless, mindless violence. And yet, when Mike says it was fantastic I can almost see his point of view. But it certainly wasn't pleasant or nice and I think psych evals are in order for anyone that "likes" it. Three hours of my life wasted. I don't think I have ever watched a movie where I notice my face is often screwed up in revulsion.
So, onto the weekend then! The weather doesn't look great. Toby has his last day of soccer today (I don't think they have won a game all season so I doubt they have made any sort of finals) and I'd love to go along. I might see if I can use my time-in-lieu from last night.
Swimming tomorrow. Bolt the movie afterwards with Toby and Mum. Mike has to warrant to wee green car. And we have the symphony in the park tomorrow night. Picnic stuff and maybe some books to entertain Toby. Sunday seems relatively free!
Ok. Let me just check some of the release things. Put my mind at ease.
Have a great weekend.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Good afternoon on Thurs, Mar 5
I am still at work and facing the calm before the storm so I thought I'd write in here. We kick off in 10 minutes and it should all go well.
I had Toby drop off duty this morning because I have a late work night. I was stressed during the morning ritual (well, it isn't ritual for me I guess) and I blame it all on ironing Mike's shirts. I never do that! It's the only thing I can think of. Heheheheh.
I have been frantic all day at work and hardly spoke to Mike at all. It was one disaster after another and it just stopped 5 mins back. But he is off to take Toby to the school picnic now. That finishes at 7pm and they'll go home. Mum and Dad will be waiting to take over and put Toby to bed. Then Mike will collect me from work after the successful release and we're off to watch Watchmen for a charity event.
Ooooo. See? It is all fun and games here. We're hardly ever social and we have loads of things on at once.
Hope you had a great day!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Good morning on Wed, Mar 4
Happy birthday to Polly today! I hope Dunedin turns on the weather as Wellington is doing. What a lovely day here.
It was a movie night out on the town last night and congratulations to everyone that decided against seeing "He's just not that into you" as you made the right decision. I really knew next to nothing about the movie but I was pleased to see Ben Affleck in it as I think he's very handsome, and I like Drew Barrymore as well. But it failed to make up for the predictable, boring dialog. I heard my mother hurrumphing and groaning through the movie. And goodness knows what possessed my work colleague Joe to come along with us. I certainly hope he doesn't use this movie to judge women and how the dating game works. But we had fun eating Indian chicken tikka masala beforehand although Joe now has to figure out how to remove the fluorescent orange colour from spots on his shirt that came into contact with the food.
Mike and Toby chose not to have Maccas for dinner in my absence. So they ate leftovers (Toby had spag bol from the night before and Mike braved the week old butter chicken - ooooooo).
I made it to 50 km/h this morning as I pedalled like the wind down the hill. I enjoyed the rode in so much. There was quite a nip in the air though this morning. Autumnal weather.
Tonight might be tricky for us. Perhaps Mum can gather her courage and drive over to collect wee Toby and dress him in his karate outfit as he is having his karate lessons today. We're going to start it up again but closer to home in Northland. It starts at 1730 so I need to ride home, collect Toby, dress him and drive to the community hall in Northland. Sounds like a tight timeframe.
Have a simply marvellous day!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Good morning on Mar 3 - it's a Tuesday!
Well, I had a short day yesterday as I got a call from Toby's school saying he was sick and I needed to come and collect him. There was no evidence of him being sick once I got him home. But he may be off-colour as he has a snotty nose.
But I got loads done. Did the washing, shopping (online - delivery coming tonight), gardening and cooked dinner. Mum and Dad came round to eat with us so that was very nice.
I took the bus in this morning as it was damp and I am off to the movies tonight. Mum will meet me at 1730 outside work and we'll walk down to the cinema. We're hoping to see The Reader (with Kate Winslet - she won best actress Oscar for this one). Actually, I just checked the listings and The Reader isn't even on. We will need to discuss during the day. Vivienne and Sally expressed interest in a movie night tonight too.
Anyhow, Mike has an appointment with the lawyer tonight at 1700 and Dad will pick up Toby until Mike arrives. Then it is a Maccas night for the boys.
Ok. I'd better get stuck in! Have a great day!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Good morning on Mon, March 2
March already, eh? I see Vivienne has added her blog on the fantastic Napier dive trip. How cool did that sound? I can't believe autumn is kicking in and I haven't spent any time at the beach here. I must grab Toby and snorkels next fine weekend and take him out!
Our weekend was very relaxing - apart from the logistics involved on Friday night. Mike was preparing a romantic evening for us without me knowing. I was preparing an evening at Mum and Dad's house with Toby. So Toby went to soccer with Aidan and the kids (Toby got player of the week - a certificate and ribbon - he is very proud!) and then got dropped off at Grandy and Gramps' house. Meanwhile, I stayed at work while Mike collected the warranted Corolla and arranged for him to drive me home. And I waited, and waited...
Then Mike turns up and says we're off on a romantic dinner evening. Hooray. Toby had been deposited at the Sampson household for Friday night fun and games (he loves it there) and Mike and I went out to Wagamama and had a ball!
Saturday was swimming in the morning - Mum came to watch. Toby did very well. We popped into see the bathroom demolition at 40 WLW and Sally and Andrew decided to join us for Yum Cha. So off we went into town. It was raining cats and dogs so we hightailed it back home after Yum Cha. The Terracotta Warriors are still waiting...
We went out to Maharajahs for dinner on Saturday night with Lesley, Wally and the kids and it was great fun! We must do that again!
Then we rushed home and Will came over for a sleepover (and his mother Kylie and her partner, Grant - Grant is our friend from ANZ days) while we watched BSG.
Sunday was a late start and then off to Sally and Andrew's for a lovely lunch. I got water purification from Vivienne, John and Benjamin for some deserving third world family (or maybe Dunedin if they still have dodgy water supplies!) and John got some coffee plants from us (for another deserving third world farmer somewhere). I also got some spring bulbs that I must plant out. I can't wait to see them pop up! Must get more of the same idea.
Oh - and Vivienne - we need to have that Sunday morning garden shop drive!
Have a marvellous week. I need tea and Weetbix.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Diving in Napier, 21 - 22 Feb'09

Most of us had a great weekend: we came back our dive trip with all our digits and extremities but sadly no photos. Claire - the instructor – took this great shot on the boat of the two of us, and we're hoping she has a few more to send us. Fingers crossed there maybe the odd one on our cheapo, underwater camera once we finish the film (yes, that's Real Film) but we're not hopeful: 1) new camera and 2) neophyte divers are not a good combination!
John coped well being the token bloke amongst a bunch of seven women (5 in the cabin). We were all of Mature Years (Claire at 38 was the youngest on the trip!) and so it was all very comradely.
First dive in the aquarium was just getting used to the environment and swimming around with the fish. The idea is to remain still and calm, and wait for things to come up, which they did: got bumped by a few of the reef sharks, but the big ones and the rays kept their distance. As did we (Steve Irwin has a lot to answer for!). When we came to feeding time, the fish were very active and quite aggressive, however the sharks were really shy and not at all interested in being fed. Even when I tried to follow one around with a nice tasty bit of fish in my hand they still stayed away, though I must admit I wasn't too assertive with Big Girl.
On Sunday, we had a two reef dives off a boat. Initially I had difficulty getting down in my new, air filled wet suit, then soon as it compressed at around 3 metres, the over-weighting took over and I plummeted to the bottom. NOT good for equalising the ears, and (a week later) they're still not back to normal. Our first dive was a total disaster: no visibility to speak of (we were lucky if it was 2 meters), and all my navigation lessons went straight out that one cell I call a brain. I had the compass, and John followed me... The dive boat captain told us to swim south west on a heading of 270 to the reef, so what did I do but carefully set a course north-east, 60deg, in totally the wrong direction. In the end we surfaced down wind and tide to the boat, and had a slow swim back on the surface.
After the boat was moved, the second dive was fantastic: great visibility, we were right on the reef and saw loads of fish and one enormous starfish (that I thought - when John pointed it out - was an octopus it was so large).The Pania reef is in ridges running north and south, with sandy bottoms at the bottom of the canyons at about 11 metres, and it's virtually impossible to get lost. It was really cool riding the surge up and over the ridge into the next valley! Though hurtling up from 11 to 6 metres and back down again no doubt played havoc with my ears...
The reef is closed to commercial fishing, but open to the public to collect their quota. It's covered in mussels and kina and if you know where to go, lots of crayfish. One of the experienced divers brought up more mussels than she wanted, so gave me the excess. Boiled them up soon as we got home, and yum. I think: I am not used to harvesting and cooking and eating something seen on the reef 4 hours before; getting the same from the supermarket, all clean and farmed is different. But the flavour was amazingly sweet and delicate, and they were very tender. Our fussy boys wouldn't touch the things: John never gave it a thought, Ramble sniffed at the strange object on the floor but didn't recognise it as Food, and Benj - initially prepared to try - when faced with the article, was put off by the look of the things, and gave it back. I also tried kina: delicious but again, I'm not going to be plucking the animals off the reef and dissecting out the roe myself. Yuck, gross. Back in Wellington, our dive shop has promised a scallop dive when the weather is suitable, with a barbecue to follow! That will be a major YUMMM! John wants to come for the experience and oh dear what a shame: he hates anything fishy so guess who will just have to eat his quota! Maybe this time Benj might be convinced to try one. Or not: what happens if he likes them? I'll have to share!
I am not sure poor Ramble had the same wonderful weekend: he had his first experience of being in a kennel! He is very nervous around strange men: understandable I guess as he doesn't have a lot to do with deep voiced, older blokes as all his regular carers are women, and John is the only man he has daily contact with. Consequently he gave the kennel man a very wide berth, and kept returning to cower behind me. I felt dreadful leaving him but I'm sure he'll be fine once he gets used to it. It won't be the last time he'll be in kennels.
We arrived home around 1830 on Sunday to a rapturous welcome from both our boys. A VERY big thank you to Angela for picking Ramble up. The kennel man (I must find out his name!) assured her that although initially nervous, Ramble soon relaxed and had a ball once he out frolicking with the other dogs. Which sounds just like our puppy: he loves all dogs and small children.