Thursday, March 12, 2009

Good morning on Thurs, Mar 12


The karate went very well indeed. Toby was dressed in his "gee" by the time I got home. The extra time saved by Mum and Dad collecting Toby meant I could squash in a shower before the karate. I spoke to the sensei and he said they are trying out a new thing where parents can join in with their kids. I am so glad I did it as I now realise how hard it is to do all the moves! So Toby and I can practise during the week and I can stand behind Toby during the karate and give it all a go. Great fun!

We went back to Mum and Dad's place afterwards and Mum made dinner. Toby did quite well with the new dish (pasta and sausages with capsicum and olives - for such a strong taste Toby did very well). Then Dad drove us back home for bedtime. Mike got in later after the tramping club night.

The council are re-laying the footpath in our street and oddly enough are starting at our doorstep. So we have a digger parked outside our garages at the moment. Mike will chat to them this morning and see if they can take away a lump of concrete outside our garage that makes the car touch down as we drive in. If that happens, it'll be great!

I think today is a normal day with nothing to rush off to or anything. I have mince in the fridge ready for spag bol.

I hope today goes well. The weather is very much colder than it has been. I wore a windstopper layer on top of my t-shirt this morning on the ride in. I was cold before I started and that isn't normal. Still wore bike shorts though. It never gets too cold for bike shorts.

Time for Weetbix and tea. Great!

have a marvellous day!

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