Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The Monday of sickness


I stayed home yesterday and looked after Toby.  Just as Mike left (at 7am, because he had a big presentation at 9am) Toby said he wasn't well and rushed to the toilet.  Okay.  No arguing with that evidence.  So I worked from home for half the day.  Mike came home after his big meeting and worked from home while I went into town for an appointment.

Then, in the afternoon, we both worked from the dining room table as Toby lay on the couch.  Toby isn't miserable at all.  Just can't venture far from the toilet.

Mike popped into Scots for the parent teacher interviews.  Toby has only improved his spelling by 7% in term 2.  But the teachers are pleased with that because he is at the 12 year old level already anyway so they can't see how he can improve much more.  We are very proud.  His maths needs a bit of work.  Oddly it is addition and subtraction that is needing work.  His multiplication is already at the level they are aiming for by the end of the year.  Wow!!!  Our son is doing great!  The music teacher though.  Hmmmm.  Toby is shunning his trumpet practice.  So we have to listen to him playing every weekend now.

Mike got a migraine as he was getting ready for bed.  He said he had drunk too much coffee that morning to prep for his meeting. It's a shame for him. At least it sounds like he mostly slept through it all. He'll be woozy today though.

During the night Toby sneaked into our room and slept on our couch.  At 4am he started making odd noises.  I asked him if he was okay and he said he felt sick.  I leaped out of bed and ran around looking for something to use to collect copious amounts of vomit.  Mike found a blanket (how did he do that when he had no eyes in?!?) and Toby continued puking into that.  Actually, we caught nearly every last drop.  Toby shuffled to the toilet and continued there for a while.  Mike still had no eyes in, so I cleaned up and put the wash on.

Yes.  Toby has another day off school!  Mike is at home with him.  I don't feel super well myself.  Neither does Mike.  Hahahah.  Maybe tea will sort me out?

I heard from Aidan yesterday and she is fighting off employers that want her now she is finished her PhD.  I think she is quite chuffed at her work prospects about now.  Good on her.

Have a wonderful day!

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