I was so social at the weekend that I think my head is about to explode. Hope no one talks to me at work. Hahahahah. I saw Aidan on Friday evening and she cooked tea and it was nice to catch up. Toby was having a sleepover with them. I left to collect Josh because he had been out having a few drinks with Mike and I dropped him home before going to find Mike at Cuckoo. It was Luke's birthday celebration and I was keen.
And I jolly well enjoyed it. There were stacks of people I knew. I even contributed to group discussions. I hardly ever do that in a group setting. And Ange bought me a hot chocolate. Never knew pubs did them. And it was a good one. Slurp!
I drove Ange home because she lives quite close to us. Mike leaped out of the car to go out for more drinks when we stopped at some lights. He loves socialising.
Mike eventually found his way home and we slept like logs to Saturday morning. We had a fair bit on. I had to go and collect the car from Petone Pitstop. So Aidan dropped by and we showed her the new grass. I took photos in the daylight.
Ooooo, yeah! |
Grass! |
Aidan and I headed to Petone and Go Bang for breakfast. Aidan's choice of scrambled eggs with feta was inspired because it was scrumptious. We left there and I got dropped at the mechanics and collected the car. Popped into the second hand clothes shop and followed Aidan around while she selected clothes and tried them on. She got a few.
Then back home and dropped off the tyre and collected Mike and over to the Tabors to collect Toby. But we got waylaid. Mike hadn't seen Aidan for ages and he was in the mood to catch up. We overstayed our welcome as usual. Eventually we hauled ourselves out of their way so they could actually achieve something for the weekend and home.
Mike went grocery shopping and I relayed messages to him. Christine needed him for the fridge moving. I needed the car he was driving.
When he got home I jumped in the car and collected Ange, then Dee then Gemma and we went to see Roller Derby at TSB Arena. What a hoot! Not a huge crown in attendance, so the atmosphere was a little lacking. But it was a good way to pass the time on a Saturday evening.
Roller Derby! |
I do have photos but for some reason they are not appearing linked to the blog like usual. I'll paste them in later (done!). Roller Derby, eh? A good game is a fast game. The players certainly go fast. It looks tough. But the 1 hour game took two hours. There were medical delays and a long period where the entire team of officials debated the finer rules of the game. But I enjoyed it. I was completely mystified for at least an hour before the rules became clearer to me. But I am still a little stumped by the finer aspects of the game.
We went out to Charley Noble afterwards to get some dinner. They were swamped and the wait time was 90 minutes. But the maitre d' rang around and got us in at Pravda. And I love Pravda. My chicken risotto was superb! Ange went into raptures over her chocolate fondant pudding. So, it was great fun. I dropped everyone home and went home.
I found Tom having a sleepover when I got home and Mike was asleep but the boys weren't. Hahahaha. I sorted that out and then slept myself.
Next morning was Mothers Day. Breakfast was the best!
Mothers Day breakfast in bed |
And then I lay in bed reading with the French doors open and the sun streaming in. Mike took everyone tramping so I had the house to myself for a while. I got out of bed and finally got the house looking vaguely clean and tidy and worked through the laundry mountain.
The view from bed |
I rang Mum and she was having a good day and had some awesome dinner out planned. I hope it was fun for her.
Christine came back at 1pm and had a cup of tea with me before leaving with Tom. Then I finished housework and Mike got home after his longer tramp. We pulled the pin on further socialising at Sally and Andrew's house in favour of actually getting ready for the working week.
My run this morning was such a good run! I enjoyed it. And my ride in was good too - but my dizzy thing came back on the way in. At least I was at work before it was worse. I loved the dry roads. It's been a while since that happened!
Have a wonderful week.