Thursday, May 15, 2014

The Wednesday with user group


Happy birthday to Benjamin!  Woot!

Makes for a long day.  I wandered over to the Microsoft office nice and early to help the presenter setup.  Only to find that Microsoft were upgrading their wifi and the internet was not available.  When the internet was the crux of the presentation (online instances!).  We had the admin staff in a flurry and they were running around like mad to try and get us a workaround, when, mysteriously, the wifi came back up.  The rest of the evening went without a hitch.

Mike came in just after 7pm and I grabbed the car off him.  He had kindly put my bike on already.  I drove Ange home and found Toby at our place, a little distraught at being home by himself and wondering where we were.  Not sure why as we were probably only away from home for thirty minutes.  Maybe something spooked him.  Anyhow, after a few minutes of consoling him and me thinking how much bigger he is now compared to when he was a baby and quite enjoying the hugs, he came right.

I did some washing (my running gear got rather soaked Wednesday morning) and we chilled out for a bit before bed.  Mike got home after solving all the problems of the world with Adam.  Good to hear.

This morning my ride in was ok.  The roads were damp but no rain.  I bumped into Aidan and chatted briefly to her.  She had a panic last night because Josh drove to Waikanae (Scouts) and two policeman came and knocked on her door at 8pm!  Yep - we all know what must have gone through her mind.  It's a shame for her and her momentary panic.  But they were just community police commenting on her locks on her garage and how they needed to be even more secure.  Wow - awesome service!

Mike has pulled his flight to Dunedin forward and is packed and ready to go today.  His Dad is sick and in hospital.  I hope he gets better really soon.  This does mean that Toby and I have a spare ticket for Living on Mars at the Carter Observatory tonight.  We might ask Duncan given he missed the other Mars presentation.  Failing that, John is probably up for a session at the Carter observatory.  The cloud cover means we won't get to see anything through their big telescope.  Shame.

Have a good day!

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