Happy birthday to my mother for Saturday! I rang her and chatted away for a while. Our Saturday here was stunning - not a breath of wind. Blue skies. However, it only got to about 14C. But it was t-shirt weather and all our doors and windows were open.
Friday night Will came over to stay for a sleepover. Mike had to go home to do the Toby pick up duties while I had an appointment in town at the end of the day. I caught the bus straight home and went out to get dinner (Burger Wisconsin).
Mike and I slept in the lounge in Mike's new tent. It was pitched to dry out from the previous weekend. Seemed such a waste to not use it.
Lulu came to visit on Saturday and although her family have decided that she will be in a kennel while they are away, it was a lovely visit. Maybe we can look after her at another point, but not for quite as long. Emerson and Duncan were around to play with Toby and Will - they have all been friends for a while so I think it's nice for Will and Emerson and Duncan to catch up.
I dropped Toby off at Sam's house in Miramar for a sleepover and went to see Ilske. She cooked a yummy dinner and we watched an old Keanu Reeves movie. Lake House it was called. A romance with Sandra Bullock. Yep - Ilske and I are happy to spend 2 hours watching Keanu.
Then home to see Mike and go to bed. Up Sunday to do some gardening (Sally - I finally planted out the rengarenga) and re-planted some self-seeded hebes and pittosporums. No idea if they will survive though. Mike collected Toby from Sam's place and collected me and we went out to see Yingting and her family int heir new house in Heretaunga. Aidan and Janne also came along. Yingting put on a marvellous lunch and we got to see around her new house and property. What a mansion! Swimming pool. Huge block of flat land. Beautiful house. We brought the bouncy castle and gave it away to them. Their young family will get to use it for a while now! Toby and Dabao had a good play in it.
Mike changed the tyre over while we had a flat driveway (put the spare back in the boot!) and we went home. Mike cooked tea while I ironed and then we watched a couple of episodes of Cosmos. I did fall sleep on the couch in Mike's lap in the second episode. I know this because I woke up when my legs fell off and then again when Mike got up. I don't think I saw very much of that episode.
The weather has changed back to normal wintry stuff now. Hopefully lots of snow in the air because Mike is off to the mountain this weekend!
Have a lovely week.
Monday, June 30, 2014
Friday, June 27, 2014
The Thursday with a play
Okay - I am totally sure I cannot begin to explain how funny I thought this play was last night. But first, let me tell you about the lead up to us going there.
Toby was supposed to get off the school bus in town and come into work. But, it got to 4.30pm and there was no sign of him. He wasn't answering calls or texts. Eventually, at 4.50pm Mike and I decide someone needs to go and find him. So I start to walk to the car. But as I do, Toby calls me. Says he forgot and he was at the Wadestown library. Turns out he had walked home and then remembered he was supposed to be in town and walked back to the library!
Anyhow, I told him how to catch the bus back in and I went back to work and waited. Popped out to grab him off the bus (he knew!) and then we all went out to dinner at The Flying Burrito Brothers. That was very pleasant.
But then! Then! Then we went to see this play at the Bats theatre. Benedict Cumberbatch must die. I had no idea what it was about. Benedict Cumberbatch must die But I have not seen a funnier thing in years! Years! I was laughing so much tears were streaming out of my eyes. And at one point I was sure I was going to lose the plot entirely and fall into a helpless giggling fit. But I managed to claw back to the verge of control and the task at hand (being a responsible audience member - and in the front row). Toby loved it too. All three of us laughed long and loud and often!
Back home driving through the rain and into a welcome warm, dry bed.
This morning the rain had stopped and the stars were out as I rode into work. I am a little early so I can get away a bit early today. The weekend can't come soon enough though. Movie with Ilske is all set for Saturday night. And Toby has a sleepover Saturday night too. Lulu arrives to stay with us for the month of July. I am looking forward to that! Our own dog - for a whole month! Lots of walks.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Okay - I am totally sure I cannot begin to explain how funny I thought this play was last night. But first, let me tell you about the lead up to us going there.
Toby was supposed to get off the school bus in town and come into work. But, it got to 4.30pm and there was no sign of him. He wasn't answering calls or texts. Eventually, at 4.50pm Mike and I decide someone needs to go and find him. So I start to walk to the car. But as I do, Toby calls me. Says he forgot and he was at the Wadestown library. Turns out he had walked home and then remembered he was supposed to be in town and walked back to the library!
Anyhow, I told him how to catch the bus back in and I went back to work and waited. Popped out to grab him off the bus (he knew!) and then we all went out to dinner at The Flying Burrito Brothers. That was very pleasant.
But then! Then! Then we went to see this play at the Bats theatre. Benedict Cumberbatch must die. I had no idea what it was about. Benedict Cumberbatch must die But I have not seen a funnier thing in years! Years! I was laughing so much tears were streaming out of my eyes. And at one point I was sure I was going to lose the plot entirely and fall into a helpless giggling fit. But I managed to claw back to the verge of control and the task at hand (being a responsible audience member - and in the front row). Toby loved it too. All three of us laughed long and loud and often!
Back home driving through the rain and into a welcome warm, dry bed.
This morning the rain had stopped and the stars were out as I rode into work. I am a little early so I can get away a bit early today. The weekend can't come soon enough though. Movie with Ilske is all set for Saturday night. And Toby has a sleepover Saturday night too. Lulu arrives to stay with us for the month of July. I am looking forward to that! Our own dog - for a whole month! Lots of walks.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Thursday, June 26, 2014
The Wednesday with nothing for me
Happy birthday to Michelle. Or Missyshell, as Toby used to pronounce her name when he was little.
I rode home and discovered that despite the dire weather, Toby had walked home too. Awesome work! I started dinner for him and chatted to Aidan on the phone while she made dinner. She's been flitting all over defence force bases lately.
Toby and I did a fair bit of maths homework before relaxing. Mike came home unexpectedly early from tramping club and eventually I got so cold in my bike gear that I scarpered off to the warmth of our bed.
Really, not much else happened yesterday. The storm never amounted to much here in Wellington - it was nothing out of the ordinary. Tonight Toby will get off the bus in town and we're off to see a play with him and a friend of Mike's. Should be entertaining.
I had Toby drop off duties this morning because Mike has a breakfast meeting. He was a bit confused about early buses (he thought there was one - there isn't) and I changed from bike gear to work clothes to accommodate his plans. But then, he came back to the house to admit defeat and take the car in. Which is ok, because we'll need it tonight. Hahahah. Meant I was on the bus this morning. It was bearable. Saw Marion on my bus this morning!
Right. Time for tea.
Have a wonderful day.
Happy birthday to Michelle. Or Missyshell, as Toby used to pronounce her name when he was little.
I rode home and discovered that despite the dire weather, Toby had walked home too. Awesome work! I started dinner for him and chatted to Aidan on the phone while she made dinner. She's been flitting all over defence force bases lately.
Toby and I did a fair bit of maths homework before relaxing. Mike came home unexpectedly early from tramping club and eventually I got so cold in my bike gear that I scarpered off to the warmth of our bed.
Really, not much else happened yesterday. The storm never amounted to much here in Wellington - it was nothing out of the ordinary. Tonight Toby will get off the bus in town and we're off to see a play with him and a friend of Mike's. Should be entertaining.
I had Toby drop off duties this morning because Mike has a breakfast meeting. He was a bit confused about early buses (he thought there was one - there isn't) and I changed from bike gear to work clothes to accommodate his plans. But then, he came back to the house to admit defeat and take the car in. Which is ok, because we'll need it tonight. Hahahah. Meant I was on the bus this morning. It was bearable. Saw Marion on my bus this morning!
Right. Time for tea.
Have a wonderful day.
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
The Tuesday with nothing
Mike surprised me by calling me just after 4pm (well, I missed his call because I was in a meeting while answering another call, so I called him back at about 4.20pm) to say he had the car and did I want a lift home. Certainly did!
We got home and I cooked tea for us all and Mike worked furiously on the internet. Then I left Mike to his homework and went for a bath. The lure of the bath was too much for Mike and he came down and got in with me and we chatted away. Obviously my temptress ways were far too strong for his weak male mind. Hahahah. I have the power. Bwahahahah!
I was comatose when I got into bed. Mike was busy working on the internet (again) and calling people. Even that wasn't enough to keep me awake. I vaguely heard Mike complaining that it was only 8.30pm and I think that was a commentary on me falling asleep so early. But, as I was virtually in the land of nod already, his powers of persuasion were definitely diminished.
Today is forecast to be the most dire storm of winter. Well, perhaps merely the first dire storm of winter. I'm Gilberting. But it is so bad I even got a text from Aidan this morning super early pleading with me to take the bus. Well, as a concession to her fears for my safety, I turned the light on and stepped outside to check the weather. I never do that! However, it looked perfectly okay to me so I rode in. And my heart never got over its usual beats per minute on the way in. There wasn't anything unusual about the weather - just a typical gusty Wellington morning. But it is supposed to turn to custard. The forecast told me it would be at 9am! How accurate is that? Wow! We'll see, eh?
Tonight is tramping club night. So I'll ride home (unless it is through the forecast custard - in which case I may consider a bus option) and sort out Toby for the evening. Tomorrow night we're off to see a play. Benedict Cumberbatch must die. Weird name for a play. But Toby is also coming. Hope he thinks it's okay. I have no idea what it is about.
Have a marvellous day today. If you're in New Zealand, batten down the hatches. Hope everything stays in its place!
Mike surprised me by calling me just after 4pm (well, I missed his call because I was in a meeting while answering another call, so I called him back at about 4.20pm) to say he had the car and did I want a lift home. Certainly did!
We got home and I cooked tea for us all and Mike worked furiously on the internet. Then I left Mike to his homework and went for a bath. The lure of the bath was too much for Mike and he came down and got in with me and we chatted away. Obviously my temptress ways were far too strong for his weak male mind. Hahahah. I have the power. Bwahahahah!
I was comatose when I got into bed. Mike was busy working on the internet (again) and calling people. Even that wasn't enough to keep me awake. I vaguely heard Mike complaining that it was only 8.30pm and I think that was a commentary on me falling asleep so early. But, as I was virtually in the land of nod already, his powers of persuasion were definitely diminished.
Today is forecast to be the most dire storm of winter. Well, perhaps merely the first dire storm of winter. I'm Gilberting. But it is so bad I even got a text from Aidan this morning super early pleading with me to take the bus. Well, as a concession to her fears for my safety, I turned the light on and stepped outside to check the weather. I never do that! However, it looked perfectly okay to me so I rode in. And my heart never got over its usual beats per minute on the way in. There wasn't anything unusual about the weather - just a typical gusty Wellington morning. But it is supposed to turn to custard. The forecast told me it would be at 9am! How accurate is that? Wow! We'll see, eh?
Tonight is tramping club night. So I'll ride home (unless it is through the forecast custard - in which case I may consider a bus option) and sort out Toby for the evening. Tomorrow night we're off to see a play. Benedict Cumberbatch must die. Weird name for a play. But Toby is also coming. Hope he thinks it's okay. I have no idea what it is about.
Have a marvellous day today. If you're in New Zealand, batten down the hatches. Hope everything stays in its place!
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
The Monday with quiz night
Cheesy goodness reunited again last night after work at The Green Man pub quiz. I rode home and collected Toby and walked home with him. Then I changed and drove into town and swapped with Mike. He dropped me off at the pub and went home to look after Toby. I found Ange and Roanne and I texted Christine to see if she could make it. Luckily she could. So we had a ball at the pub. Eating, drinking and answering silly questions. We even came second - by one point! Our winnings from this quiz and the last quiz paid for all our food and drinks and we had money left over. Awesome!
I dropped everyone off, made plans to see Christine again soon, and headed home. I was so tired. I have been waking up well before my alarm for the past month or more. Sometimes up to an hour. Not sure why. But this morning I slept through to my alarm! What bliss! Mike was comatose too - although he had a pants sleep. Don't ask him any curly questions today!
I think tonight is a normal, routine night. But the weather is supposed to pack in, after the glorious day yesterday! Had a lovely ride in this morning - the roads weren't completely dry. But it was good anyway! If it is okay in the afternoon when I leave work, I'll take the longer way home. But winds are forecast to be galeforce. So I'm not sure about that!
Have a great day! Enjoy something today even more than you ever have! I don't know what. Lunch? Hahahah.
Cheesy goodness reunited again last night after work at The Green Man pub quiz. I rode home and collected Toby and walked home with him. Then I changed and drove into town and swapped with Mike. He dropped me off at the pub and went home to look after Toby. I found Ange and Roanne and I texted Christine to see if she could make it. Luckily she could. So we had a ball at the pub. Eating, drinking and answering silly questions. We even came second - by one point! Our winnings from this quiz and the last quiz paid for all our food and drinks and we had money left over. Awesome!
I dropped everyone off, made plans to see Christine again soon, and headed home. I was so tired. I have been waking up well before my alarm for the past month or more. Sometimes up to an hour. Not sure why. But this morning I slept through to my alarm! What bliss! Mike was comatose too - although he had a pants sleep. Don't ask him any curly questions today!
I think tonight is a normal, routine night. But the weather is supposed to pack in, after the glorious day yesterday! Had a lovely ride in this morning - the roads weren't completely dry. But it was good anyway! If it is okay in the afternoon when I leave work, I'll take the longer way home. But winds are forecast to be galeforce. So I'm not sure about that!
Have a great day! Enjoy something today even more than you ever have! I don't know what. Lunch? Hahahah.
Monday, June 23, 2014
The weekend that was busy
Yep - a busy weekend. So busy the housework merely kept pace with the weekend. Hahahah. At least the laundry and ironing got done!
Friday night the boys subjected me to Anchorman 2. Well, they tried. I was desperately trying to sleep with it on and the boys chortling through it. I finally got to sleep with about 30 minutes to go. Toby started talking to me, getting louder when I didn't respond. Mike, kindly (sure), yelled from the bathroom "I think Mum is asleep!". Whereupon, Toby yelled at me louder to answer his question. As you do. And Mike yelled louder from the bathroom "She's asleep!". Riiiiight. Not anymore she's not.
Up to get the boys breakfast the next morning and Mike to start packing for Survival Night. Oooooo. He went into Paua Hut and camped in a tent and played with fire and cooked meat with like-minded men. Hahah. Does that sound inviting? They did ask me along, but I declined. We discovered a day or two back that I had left the park light on in the MX5 and its battery was flat. So Mike asked me to drop him into town for a pick up from there for his fun.
Benjamin arrived at 5pm and pizzas were ordered and I left to collect Aidan for her birthday dinner (yeah - it's a bit late, but we're both busy). I texted her asking if she wanted me to come up (she does have 76 steps to negotiate to get to her front door after all). She replied for me to come up. So, up the steps I went. As I got to the front door I heard Aidan barreling to answer the door. And she came out looking absolutely ready and apologised for making me climb up, only to turn around and go back down. Hahahah. I didn't mind. We drove into town and I parked in the car park behind Reading. She suggested we find a car park on the street in Mt Vic, but I told her I have a parking demon and would rather just park in a massive car park and pay. However the parking machine declined my Visa. I had to ask Aidan to pay. Oh dear. This meant she thought I was poor and couldn't afford anything else all night. I had ample in my cash account. But I couldn't convince her of that. Lucky I had already bought the movie tickets.
We went to Capitol and I ordered the same meal I had with Mike last Saturday. Aidan did too. But, it's all about that chocolate dessert at Capitol anyway. My meal was so yummy. I really like this place. We chatted away about this and that. I convinced Aidan she needed dessert by ordering it for us both anyway. Her attempt at declining was feeble. Doesn't she know she has a dessert stomach? The chocolate dessert was bittersweet gooey goodness.
Next door to the Embassy to have a drink beforehand (the photos might indicate Aidan drank her way through the night, but in actual fact, these were the only two drinks she had! Hahahah) and watch What we do in the Shadows. What a great lark. Loved it. I dropped Aidan off home around 10.15pm - amazed at her staying power, given that is 2.5 hours past her bedtime.
Now I needed some groceries. Turns out the new Countdown is closed from 10pm, so I drove back into town, grabbed the emergency stuff (milk and bananas) and dropped Benjamin home and crashed into bed.
However, my sleep was pants. Stayed awake for a while and then woke early. Gah! But we had to get up early anyway because it was the 10km Fun Run day! Toby and I went into Westpac stadium and met up with the Scots crowd and Toby had a ball.
Toby took off at the start and I saw him once more about 300m down the concourse and then saw him at the halfway point when he was already on his return. He was a walking machine! He did it in 1 hour 32 minutes. I was 5 minutes behind him! We had a lot of fun. Next year though, we're running it!
Back home to get some reading in and Mike was home nice and early. He took Toby out while I did some ironing. Then Mike dropped him off and we started the wee green car. Aidan dropped in to grab some music and Mike sorted out her rental car headlights and then I took the wee green car for a long run. It behaved perfectly.
Mike went out to see "What we do in the shadows" and also enjoyed it. He loved the flatting aspects to it. Brought back memories for him. Not that he flatted with vampires, of course!
I need to tell you about the bike shed here at work. A few weeks ago we had a flood and the lift shafts filled with toxic looking (smelling) water. They pumped it dry, but I think something overflowed into the shed and died there. The shed now smells like Epoisse cheese. My eyes don't water and I can still breathe when I'm in there, so it isn't quite in the same league as Epoisse. But now I don't leave my gloves or helmet in there for fear of smelling like a pungent cheese when I'm out riding.
Hope you have a wonderful week! Michelle's birthday this week! Oooooo.
Yep - a busy weekend. So busy the housework merely kept pace with the weekend. Hahahah. At least the laundry and ironing got done!
Friday night the boys subjected me to Anchorman 2. Well, they tried. I was desperately trying to sleep with it on and the boys chortling through it. I finally got to sleep with about 30 minutes to go. Toby started talking to me, getting louder when I didn't respond. Mike, kindly (sure), yelled from the bathroom "I think Mum is asleep!". Whereupon, Toby yelled at me louder to answer his question. As you do. And Mike yelled louder from the bathroom "She's asleep!". Riiiiight. Not anymore she's not.
Up to get the boys breakfast the next morning and Mike to start packing for Survival Night. Oooooo. He went into Paua Hut and camped in a tent and played with fire and cooked meat with like-minded men. Hahah. Does that sound inviting? They did ask me along, but I declined. We discovered a day or two back that I had left the park light on in the MX5 and its battery was flat. So Mike asked me to drop him into town for a pick up from there for his fun.
Benjamin arrived at 5pm and pizzas were ordered and I left to collect Aidan for her birthday dinner (yeah - it's a bit late, but we're both busy). I texted her asking if she wanted me to come up (she does have 76 steps to negotiate to get to her front door after all). She replied for me to come up. So, up the steps I went. As I got to the front door I heard Aidan barreling to answer the door. And she came out looking absolutely ready and apologised for making me climb up, only to turn around and go back down. Hahahah. I didn't mind. We drove into town and I parked in the car park behind Reading. She suggested we find a car park on the street in Mt Vic, but I told her I have a parking demon and would rather just park in a massive car park and pay. However the parking machine declined my Visa. I had to ask Aidan to pay. Oh dear. This meant she thought I was poor and couldn't afford anything else all night. I had ample in my cash account. But I couldn't convince her of that. Lucky I had already bought the movie tickets.
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Aidan enjoying a shiraz at Capitol |
We went to Capitol and I ordered the same meal I had with Mike last Saturday. Aidan did too. But, it's all about that chocolate dessert at Capitol anyway. My meal was so yummy. I really like this place. We chatted away about this and that. I convinced Aidan she needed dessert by ordering it for us both anyway. Her attempt at declining was feeble. Doesn't she know she has a dessert stomach? The chocolate dessert was bittersweet gooey goodness.
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Aidan enjoying a G&T at the Embassy |
Next door to the Embassy to have a drink beforehand (the photos might indicate Aidan drank her way through the night, but in actual fact, these were the only two drinks she had! Hahahah) and watch What we do in the Shadows. What a great lark. Loved it. I dropped Aidan off home around 10.15pm - amazed at her staying power, given that is 2.5 hours past her bedtime.
Now I needed some groceries. Turns out the new Countdown is closed from 10pm, so I drove back into town, grabbed the emergency stuff (milk and bananas) and dropped Benjamin home and crashed into bed.
However, my sleep was pants. Stayed awake for a while and then woke early. Gah! But we had to get up early anyway because it was the 10km Fun Run day! Toby and I went into Westpac stadium and met up with the Scots crowd and Toby had a ball.
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Guide Dogs was the reason to get sponsorship! |
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Our race numbers |
Back home to get some reading in and Mike was home nice and early. He took Toby out while I did some ironing. Then Mike dropped him off and we started the wee green car. Aidan dropped in to grab some music and Mike sorted out her rental car headlights and then I took the wee green car for a long run. It behaved perfectly.
Mike went out to see "What we do in the shadows" and also enjoyed it. He loved the flatting aspects to it. Brought back memories for him. Not that he flatted with vampires, of course!
I need to tell you about the bike shed here at work. A few weeks ago we had a flood and the lift shafts filled with toxic looking (smelling) water. They pumped it dry, but I think something overflowed into the shed and died there. The shed now smells like Epoisse cheese. My eyes don't water and I can still breathe when I'm in there, so it isn't quite in the same league as Epoisse. But now I don't leave my gloves or helmet in there for fear of smelling like a pungent cheese when I'm out riding.
Hope you have a wonderful week! Michelle's birthday this week! Oooooo.
Friday, June 20, 2014
The Thursday with nothing for me
I rode home the long way - well, the medium long way - up Ngaio Gorge for a change. Loved it! That hill is such a nice hill to ride up compared to my normal way. I'll do that two or three times a week for a while before switching in Ngauranga Gorge every now and then. If I had started that 6 weeks before Taupo instead of 3 weeks, I think it would have made a huge difference. So, this year I am starting it months out!
Grabbed Toby and went home to cook him some tea. Mike had a work appointment in town - some fancy schmancy new thing that will make his life so much easier. When he got home I was in the bath, so he joined me and told me all about it!
What's on for the weekend? Lots! This is an action-packed weekend. Mike is off tomorrow for "survival night" with a bunch of mates from work. Riiiight. Hope he stays safe and the weather is kind. Toby and I are off to Zealandia to poke around. Then Benjamin is coming in and I am going out for dinner and a movie with Aidan (her birthday present, really). Sunday is the Armstrong Fun Run and Toby and I are walking/running the 10 km option. Mike should be back in a timely fashion. He is going out to see a movie on Sunday night though. He has a date too. It's only fair if I get to go out on the Saturday night. Hahah.
Right. Time to kick start the day with the best cup of tea ever!
Have a marvellous weekend.
I rode home the long way - well, the medium long way - up Ngaio Gorge for a change. Loved it! That hill is such a nice hill to ride up compared to my normal way. I'll do that two or three times a week for a while before switching in Ngauranga Gorge every now and then. If I had started that 6 weeks before Taupo instead of 3 weeks, I think it would have made a huge difference. So, this year I am starting it months out!
Grabbed Toby and went home to cook him some tea. Mike had a work appointment in town - some fancy schmancy new thing that will make his life so much easier. When he got home I was in the bath, so he joined me and told me all about it!
What's on for the weekend? Lots! This is an action-packed weekend. Mike is off tomorrow for "survival night" with a bunch of mates from work. Riiiight. Hope he stays safe and the weather is kind. Toby and I are off to Zealandia to poke around. Then Benjamin is coming in and I am going out for dinner and a movie with Aidan (her birthday present, really). Sunday is the Armstrong Fun Run and Toby and I are walking/running the 10 km option. Mike should be back in a timely fashion. He is going out to see a movie on Sunday night though. He has a date too. It's only fair if I get to go out on the Saturday night. Hahah.
Right. Time to kick start the day with the best cup of tea ever!
Have a marvellous weekend.
Thursday, June 19, 2014
The Wednesday with work quiz night
What a wonderful quiz night at work last night. The social club organised an awesome night and we had a great time. Finished by 8.30pm too! Our team came second, separated only by a few points from the winner (with a big gap back to the rest of the field), so we were pretty chuffed.
Mike's music theory came in handy as he read the notes on a music score to spell out CABBAGE. And my team mates were astonished to know that I knew the Sargasso Sea was the only sea without an coastline. Yep - it was good fun.
The weather has cleared up here and my ride in this morning was stunning. Venus was shining brilliantly in the morning sky. Hope it stays like this for the weekend. Toby and I are doing a 10km fun run on Sunday. Well, because of my sore calf we're going to walk the first 5 kms and then run all the way back. If you want to sponsor us (it is for Toby's school), let me know. It'd be much nicer in lovely weather.
Oh - and if you are in downtown Wellington on Sunday - avoid the marathon road closures. That's the marathon that Toby and I aren't doing! We're doing the fun run part. Hahahah. Same event.
Have a wonderful day!
What a wonderful quiz night at work last night. The social club organised an awesome night and we had a great time. Finished by 8.30pm too! Our team came second, separated only by a few points from the winner (with a big gap back to the rest of the field), so we were pretty chuffed.
Mike's music theory came in handy as he read the notes on a music score to spell out CABBAGE. And my team mates were astonished to know that I knew the Sargasso Sea was the only sea without an coastline. Yep - it was good fun.
The weather has cleared up here and my ride in this morning was stunning. Venus was shining brilliantly in the morning sky. Hope it stays like this for the weekend. Toby and I are doing a 10km fun run on Sunday. Well, because of my sore calf we're going to walk the first 5 kms and then run all the way back. If you want to sponsor us (it is for Toby's school), let me know. It'd be much nicer in lovely weather.
Oh - and if you are in downtown Wellington on Sunday - avoid the marathon road closures. That's the marathon that Toby and I aren't doing! We're doing the fun run part. Hahahah. Same event.
Have a wonderful day!
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
The Tuesday with nothing
Well, almost nothing. I did have lunch with Aidan, which was a wonderful part of my day. She texted me at 10am that she was starving enough to eat a water buffalo, but I was little unsure where to go to get one of those for her lunch. She made do with some sushi - but I think she pretended it was water buffalo.
I got a call from Toby at 3.30pm to say he was doing an exam and would miss the bus. Aaarrghhhh. Luckily Mike had driven in and so I jumped in the car at 4pm and drove out to collect him. We went to eat dinner at the Roxy.
We went back home and got homework out of the way and Toby tried to paint some Skylander figures with modelling paint. It wasn't entirely successful. Mike came home and we went to watch a documentary of Jared Diamond. I fell asleep. Into a coma, really. Toby called out at 9.30pm to tuck him in and I was sure it was 5am and my sleep was over. I loved finding out it was 9.30pm and I still have 7 hours of sleep to go!
I got up this morning and had my shower and made lunches. My boys were still sleeping when it was time to leave. Toby was so warm and snuggly it made me wish it was the weekend so I could snuggle up to him! Instead I went to work.
Tonight is work trivia night. Benjamin is coming to look after Toby. We'll be working hard on the quiz team!
Have a lovely day!
Well, almost nothing. I did have lunch with Aidan, which was a wonderful part of my day. She texted me at 10am that she was starving enough to eat a water buffalo, but I was little unsure where to go to get one of those for her lunch. She made do with some sushi - but I think she pretended it was water buffalo.
I got a call from Toby at 3.30pm to say he was doing an exam and would miss the bus. Aaarrghhhh. Luckily Mike had driven in and so I jumped in the car at 4pm and drove out to collect him. We went to eat dinner at the Roxy.
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Coco at the Roxy cinema |
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Checking out Gollum at the Roxy |
I got up this morning and had my shower and made lunches. My boys were still sleeping when it was time to leave. Toby was so warm and snuggly it made me wish it was the weekend so I could snuggle up to him! Instead I went to work.
Tonight is work trivia night. Benjamin is coming to look after Toby. We'll be working hard on the quiz team!
Have a lovely day!
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
The Monday with Mike's birthday
Mike had a bit of a pants day at work. Well, that's not strictly true. He did hear some good news. But, he seems to have lost his new snowboarding jacket (possibly over a week ago) so if anyone has it screwed up in the corner of their house, can they let us know? But he came home early and we had dinner and relaxed in front of an episode of Cosmos.
An episode of Cosmos seems like a good way to round off your birthday if you ask me! And today is Mike's happy unbirthday! Woot!
Toby likes Mike's laptop very much! Hahahah. They are fighting over access to it already. Boys and their toys, eh?
What else happened? Not a lot. It's mufti day at school today for Toby. Hope he remembers. We don't have anything on this evening that I recall. I might ride home the long way after work. Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Have a fantastic day!
Mike had a bit of a pants day at work. Well, that's not strictly true. He did hear some good news. But, he seems to have lost his new snowboarding jacket (possibly over a week ago) so if anyone has it screwed up in the corner of their house, can they let us know? But he came home early and we had dinner and relaxed in front of an episode of Cosmos.
An episode of Cosmos seems like a good way to round off your birthday if you ask me! And today is Mike's happy unbirthday! Woot!
Toby likes Mike's laptop very much! Hahahah. They are fighting over access to it already. Boys and their toys, eh?
What else happened? Not a lot. It's mufti day at school today for Toby. Hope he remembers. We don't have anything on this evening that I recall. I might ride home the long way after work. Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Have a fantastic day!
Monday, June 16, 2014
The weekend with Mike's birthday celebrations
What a lovely weekend. Friday night I rode home to collect Toby and we decided on Indian takeaways. Yummo. And no cooking needed. I collected Mike from work and picked up the dinner. We watched a dreadful movie (Anchorman - the first one) and the boys chortled all the way through it. I tried to read.
Up the next morning to get ready for the day. A few messages were needed for the birthday celebrations. Mike had to go to work. Toby and I went into Queensgate for our things. We got baby shower presents and Mike's major present.
We came home via the supermarket and put away the groceries for tomorrow just in time. I ordered pizza and Benjamin arrived seconds after Mike. Mike got changed and we headed off to Capitol for dinner. It was soooooo good! My meal was scrumptious. Mike chose Capitol after I went "I love Capitol. Would you like to go there?" about three times. Hahahah.
After that we popped next door and watched Edge of Tomorrow. Mike didn't want to see it, but nothing else much grabbed our fancy. He heckled the movie for the first 20 mins until the fighting started. Then he enjoyed it a bit more.
Back home and dropped Benjamin off before caving into sleep. Up early to make the slow cooker lunch. It smelled amazing. I made this after my sister Shona liked it on Facebook. Lemon artichoke chicken I had to leave Mike with a load of prep while I went to Sophie's baby shower.
That was a lot of fun! Hahahah. Played a few games, I surreptitiously watched the England v Italy football game, ate lots. Great fun! Sophie looks wonderful. She is due towards the end of July but if she gives birth early, I would not be surprised! I got her to pose next to her arcade console. Mike and Toby need to come and visit and play for hours! And what a lovely view out the window to the south! Mt Kau Kau is on the horizon.
Back home and I got there in time for dessert. Caught up with Col and Iona which was a lovely surprise. They pointed out it was their first time at our house! Wow. Remiss of us. And they also pointed out we haven't been to their "new" house. Oh dear.
John was away in Auckland with Ramble. It's hard having a star as your pet. Ramble has been called up to star in the Auckland production of Annie after his stunning performance in Wellington.
Mike played with his new birthday present (a laptop) in the afternoon and we went to bed to watch Cosmos with Toby before lights out. I was exhausted!
Up early to give Mike his present today! Happy birthday to Mike! Toby was so sleepy he said he'd stay in bed and just listen! Hahahah.
I rode in and left with a slight drizzle. I thought it was dry! But as I rode in further, it rained harder. Oh dear! Typical Mike birthday weather.
Have a wonderful day! Wish Mike a happy birthday if you want to make his day!
What a lovely weekend. Friday night I rode home to collect Toby and we decided on Indian takeaways. Yummo. And no cooking needed. I collected Mike from work and picked up the dinner. We watched a dreadful movie (Anchorman - the first one) and the boys chortled all the way through it. I tried to read.
Up the next morning to get ready for the day. A few messages were needed for the birthday celebrations. Mike had to go to work. Toby and I went into Queensgate for our things. We got baby shower presents and Mike's major present.
We came home via the supermarket and put away the groceries for tomorrow just in time. I ordered pizza and Benjamin arrived seconds after Mike. Mike got changed and we headed off to Capitol for dinner. It was soooooo good! My meal was scrumptious. Mike chose Capitol after I went "I love Capitol. Would you like to go there?" about three times. Hahahah.
Panorama of our dinner at Capitol |
Back home and dropped Benjamin off before caving into sleep. Up early to make the slow cooker lunch. It smelled amazing. I made this after my sister Shona liked it on Facebook. Lemon artichoke chicken I had to leave Mike with a load of prep while I went to Sophie's baby shower.
That was a lot of fun! Hahahah. Played a few games, I surreptitiously watched the England v Italy football game, ate lots. Great fun! Sophie looks wonderful. She is due towards the end of July but if she gives birth early, I would not be surprised! I got her to pose next to her arcade console. Mike and Toby need to come and visit and play for hours! And what a lovely view out the window to the south! Mt Kau Kau is on the horizon.
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Sophie and her arcade console. And her bump. |
Back home and I got there in time for dessert. Caught up with Col and Iona which was a lovely surprise. They pointed out it was their first time at our house! Wow. Remiss of us. And they also pointed out we haven't been to their "new" house. Oh dear.
John was away in Auckland with Ramble. It's hard having a star as your pet. Ramble has been called up to star in the Auckland production of Annie after his stunning performance in Wellington.
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Birthday lunch! |
Up early to give Mike his present today! Happy birthday to Mike! Toby was so sleepy he said he'd stay in bed and just listen! Hahahah.
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Sleepy Mike opens his present |
I rode in and left with a slight drizzle. I thought it was dry! But as I rode in further, it rained harder. Oh dear! Typical Mike birthday weather.
Have a wonderful day! Wish Mike a happy birthday if you want to make his day!
Friday, June 13, 2014
The Thursday with nothing for me and Toby
I had a crazy problem at work that meant I couldn't get away to collect Toby. So Mike had complicated logistics to get Toby and get back into town for his 5pm meeting. Fortunately my problem reached a stable point and I fled! Mike pulled up on The Terrace (in the middle of the road - despite peak hour traffic, the road on our side was deserted) and we swapped places. If you'd have blinked you'd have missed us.
I drove home and cooked dinner for Toby and relaxed with him before Mike called and asked for a lift home from his "book club" function for work. I was pleased because it meant I could collect my bike and ride in Friday morning.
I went to bed nice and early and read my Sky and Telescope magazine that came in the mail on Wednesday. Yep - haven't had time until now. And I only got through half before I jumped in the bath with Mike. Tonight - so much to look forward to.
Today is officially the closest shave I have had to being hit off my bike. I was riding down our hill, and around a sweeping bend to the right. I have to brake a bit because a car is parked on the outside of the curve every morning, so you need to change your line through. This morning a car turned right well before I got to the curve (there's a road off the apex of the curve) so I was slower than usual. Another car was coming up the road towards me. It looked as though it was in the right turn lane, but wasn't indicating at all. So I slowed more to watch it carefully. It was dark, but lovely and dry. I must have been doing 30 km/hr I guess.
Anyhow, the car driver never saw me and kept coming through the intersection. My life really did flash before my eyes. I saw myself hitting the car and heading over the bonnet. Fortunately my two front lights and blazing fluoro jacket must have registered and they swerved and I rode around them. My yell of shock and surprise wasn't a high pitched and girly scream at all. The "Idiot" I yelled back may have been though! As I glanced back, the stunned driver was stupidly stopped in the middle of the intersection, probably having their own heart failure moment.
I think a cup of tea about now is sorely needed. Bring it on!
Woot! It's Friday! I can't wait. The weekend looks like fun. Benjamin is coming in on Saturday night so Mike and I can go out for his birthday (Monday!). And we have family lunch at our place. I need to buy a few things for Sunday and another present for Monday! I also have a baby shower to go to on Sunday morning! That'll be nice.
I thought I should show you a photo of our user group night. I should have taken one of Mike looking amazing as he presented. This photo was just of the social atmosphere before it started!
Enjoy your weekend!
I had a crazy problem at work that meant I couldn't get away to collect Toby. So Mike had complicated logistics to get Toby and get back into town for his 5pm meeting. Fortunately my problem reached a stable point and I fled! Mike pulled up on The Terrace (in the middle of the road - despite peak hour traffic, the road on our side was deserted) and we swapped places. If you'd have blinked you'd have missed us.
I drove home and cooked dinner for Toby and relaxed with him before Mike called and asked for a lift home from his "book club" function for work. I was pleased because it meant I could collect my bike and ride in Friday morning.
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Read this in bed. I was so happy. |
Today is officially the closest shave I have had to being hit off my bike. I was riding down our hill, and around a sweeping bend to the right. I have to brake a bit because a car is parked on the outside of the curve every morning, so you need to change your line through. This morning a car turned right well before I got to the curve (there's a road off the apex of the curve) so I was slower than usual. Another car was coming up the road towards me. It looked as though it was in the right turn lane, but wasn't indicating at all. So I slowed more to watch it carefully. It was dark, but lovely and dry. I must have been doing 30 km/hr I guess.
Anyhow, the car driver never saw me and kept coming through the intersection. My life really did flash before my eyes. I saw myself hitting the car and heading over the bonnet. Fortunately my two front lights and blazing fluoro jacket must have registered and they swerved and I rode around them. My yell of shock and surprise wasn't a high pitched and girly scream at all. The "Idiot" I yelled back may have been though! As I glanced back, the stunned driver was stupidly stopped in the middle of the intersection, probably having their own heart failure moment.
I think a cup of tea about now is sorely needed. Bring it on!
Woot! It's Friday! I can't wait. The weekend looks like fun. Benjamin is coming in on Saturday night so Mike and I can go out for his birthday (Monday!). And we have family lunch at our place. I need to buy a few things for Sunday and another present for Monday! I also have a baby shower to go to on Sunday morning! That'll be nice.
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The user group session. |
Enjoy your weekend!
Thursday, June 12, 2014
The Wednesday with user group
What a long, actioned packed day Wednesday was! Wow! We got Benjamin in to look after Toby because Mike was presenting at the user group. So, I had a long day at work, leading up to the session at the Microsoft offices. I tried to catch up with Aidan before she went home, but we ran out of time. Instead, I jumped on her bus as it went past work, gave her a lemon tart as an unbirthday surprise (it was never going to happen on her actual birthday - she's far too busy for mundane things like birthdays) and hopped off at the next stop. She thought it was a bit of a giggle I think.
Went over to the user group to set up the room. Quite a few more people turned up than responded (and some that responded never showed - but net gain despite that!) and Mike amazed them all with his confident presenting style and had them all interacting and talking. Someone even said it was one of the most interesting sessions that had ever attended! Well done, Mike!
From there we went to Siem Reap for Peter's farewell dinner (his last day is today!). It was great to catch up with people (some have since left work). Mike ordered dessert with Ange and I ordered a main to share with Mike. His dessert arrived first and it looked amazing (ice cream cocktail with Baileys and a massive chocolate flake sticking out between two scoops of ice cream. Yes, it did look like it sounds. A "manly" dessert, as Mike put it!). He inhaled that and then my main came and he chomped through his half easily. Presenting must take a lot out of you.
From there we walked to the BruHaus. Unfortunately, we were meant to pop almost next door to the TapHaus. So we walked back and sat drinking with Adam and Thomas for a bit, answering the quiz questions they had on. Fun!
Back to the car park and I drove home and then dropped Benjamin off. Such a late night for a school night. But a wonderful day!
Have a fantastic day yourself today! Try and top my Wednesday, eh?
What a long, actioned packed day Wednesday was! Wow! We got Benjamin in to look after Toby because Mike was presenting at the user group. So, I had a long day at work, leading up to the session at the Microsoft offices. I tried to catch up with Aidan before she went home, but we ran out of time. Instead, I jumped on her bus as it went past work, gave her a lemon tart as an unbirthday surprise (it was never going to happen on her actual birthday - she's far too busy for mundane things like birthdays) and hopped off at the next stop. She thought it was a bit of a giggle I think.
Went over to the user group to set up the room. Quite a few more people turned up than responded (and some that responded never showed - but net gain despite that!) and Mike amazed them all with his confident presenting style and had them all interacting and talking. Someone even said it was one of the most interesting sessions that had ever attended! Well done, Mike!
From there we went to Siem Reap for Peter's farewell dinner (his last day is today!). It was great to catch up with people (some have since left work). Mike ordered dessert with Ange and I ordered a main to share with Mike. His dessert arrived first and it looked amazing (ice cream cocktail with Baileys and a massive chocolate flake sticking out between two scoops of ice cream. Yes, it did look like it sounds. A "manly" dessert, as Mike put it!). He inhaled that and then my main came and he chomped through his half easily. Presenting must take a lot out of you.
From there we walked to the BruHaus. Unfortunately, we were meant to pop almost next door to the TapHaus. So we walked back and sat drinking with Adam and Thomas for a bit, answering the quiz questions they had on. Fun!
Back to the car park and I drove home and then dropped Benjamin off. Such a late night for a school night. But a wonderful day!
Have a fantastic day yourself today! Try and top my Wednesday, eh?
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
The Tuesday with nothing
More rain. Yucky. But it's not terribly windy - although that is forecast to change. I rode home yesterday (after popping in to see Aidan for a birthday hug at the pub where she was celebrating the end of her day) and collected Toby from the library. It was wet then too. Hahahah.
Cooked tea (tacos - yum!) and Toby and I ate. Then Mike got home and we chatted for a bit and ate cheeses. Also yum! Then Mike worked on his presentation and I did my bit. By then I realised I was cold - the wet bike gear I was still in might have had something to do with it. Well, it had dried on me!
Then off to bed. I turned on heaters and electric blankets. I think my boys had thought I'd gone mad! I started to read a good book on Neanderthals and it sent me to sleep within 3% of starting it (Kindles show you percentage through - not pages). 3% isn't very far.
Today's ride in was damp. Raining quite a bit at our place, and nothing in town. But wet, nevertheless.
Benjamin is coming to look after Toby tonight as we have the user group session followed by a colleague's leaving dinner.
Hope you have a lovely day!
More rain. Yucky. But it's not terribly windy - although that is forecast to change. I rode home yesterday (after popping in to see Aidan for a birthday hug at the pub where she was celebrating the end of her day) and collected Toby from the library. It was wet then too. Hahahah.
Cooked tea (tacos - yum!) and Toby and I ate. Then Mike got home and we chatted for a bit and ate cheeses. Also yum! Then Mike worked on his presentation and I did my bit. By then I realised I was cold - the wet bike gear I was still in might have had something to do with it. Well, it had dried on me!
Then off to bed. I turned on heaters and electric blankets. I think my boys had thought I'd gone mad! I started to read a good book on Neanderthals and it sent me to sleep within 3% of starting it (Kindles show you percentage through - not pages). 3% isn't very far.
Today's ride in was damp. Raining quite a bit at our place, and nothing in town. But wet, nevertheless.
Benjamin is coming to look after Toby tonight as we have the user group session followed by a colleague's leaving dinner.
Hope you have a lovely day!
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
The Monday with nothing
What a damp day here in Wellington. And happy birthday to Aidan today! Hope she likes rain. Lots of rain.
I rode home in the rain last night and went to grab and car and collect Toby. We got home and got stuck into homework and making tea. Mike got home quite early too and we worked on Mike's presentation he is giving on Wednesday night.
What else has happened? Not much really. My ride in this morning was wet. My bike shorts are drying on the rail under my desk. Hahahah.
Have a wonderful day.
What a damp day here in Wellington. And happy birthday to Aidan today! Hope she likes rain. Lots of rain.
I rode home in the rain last night and went to grab and car and collect Toby. We got home and got stuck into homework and making tea. Mike got home quite early too and we worked on Mike's presentation he is giving on Wednesday night.
What else has happened? Not much really. My ride in this morning was wet. My bike shorts are drying on the rail under my desk. Hahahah.
Have a wonderful day.
Monday, June 9, 2014
The weekend with dead bodies
I love weekends - although weekends after long weekends are so short!! Hahahah. Friday night I went out with workmates to say goodbye to my manager. I can't believe I am at work now, post-apocalyptic. Well, post-manager anyway. Friday was eating and drinking all day. Brekkie, lunch (see Celia with her iced mochaccino from Drexels) and then the pub for drinks.
I got home early because I was shattered. Fell asleep with my usual amount of bother (that is - none!).
Saturday I was up early to ride with Revolve Cycling - a womens cycling group. I left at 7.20am, and was at On Yer Bike at 7.50 (after misjudging where the bike shop was and walking the last wee bit). There were 22 women in our group, so we stretched out on the way around to Eastbourne. I found the group rode a little too slow for my liking, so after a coffee at Eastbourne, I rode back on my own. 55 minutes to our house! Ooossshh! I love my road bike. The new wheels and tyres work wonderfully. My bike is silent. Ninja-like.
A lazy afternoon doing laundry and doing some grocery shopping and then we went out to Pete and Cathy's house for tea. We looked at slides of their fairly recent north India trekking (it looked amazing!) and then ate a beautiful chicken tagine. Cathy also made an apple custard cake and that was a huge success.
We all wanted the watch the rugby to we stayed at their house and shouted at the television until the game finished. Then home to bed (well, I read for a bit). The late night meant Toby slept in until 9.30am!
Sunday Mike made me pancakes and then he went into work. I read for a bit and then tackled my tasks. We went to get some groceries I had missed, Mitre 10 for rat bait, face masks and various bits and bobs, Nandos for lunch for Toby, then back home. I tidied the garage a bit, and got my road bike back in. Then donned overalls, head torch, gloves and face mask and climbed into the roof space to collect the dead rat bodies. Hmmmm. Nice work. It was hot up there. Had to crawl into the far edges to try and fix a pink batt too! That was tricky.
Then the boring ironing. Mike came home and made tea and Toby and I watched the last Twilight movie. It got too lovey dovey for Toby at the end and he turned it off before the credit rolled. It didn't help that Mike had arrived and was making groaning and retching noises. Hahahah.
Bed for some welcome sleep! My run this morning was in the rain but by the time I finished, it was only foggy. My ride into work was on wet roads.
Time to kick start the day!
Have a wonderful week.
I love weekends - although weekends after long weekends are so short!! Hahahah. Friday night I went out with workmates to say goodbye to my manager. I can't believe I am at work now, post-apocalyptic. Well, post-manager anyway. Friday was eating and drinking all day. Brekkie, lunch (see Celia with her iced mochaccino from Drexels) and then the pub for drinks.
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Celia and the iced mocha |
I got home early because I was shattered. Fell asleep with my usual amount of bother (that is - none!).
Saturday I was up early to ride with Revolve Cycling - a womens cycling group. I left at 7.20am, and was at On Yer Bike at 7.50 (after misjudging where the bike shop was and walking the last wee bit). There were 22 women in our group, so we stretched out on the way around to Eastbourne. I found the group rode a little too slow for my liking, so after a coffee at Eastbourne, I rode back on my own. 55 minutes to our house! Ooossshh! I love my road bike. The new wheels and tyres work wonderfully. My bike is silent. Ninja-like.
A lazy afternoon doing laundry and doing some grocery shopping and then we went out to Pete and Cathy's house for tea. We looked at slides of their fairly recent north India trekking (it looked amazing!) and then ate a beautiful chicken tagine. Cathy also made an apple custard cake and that was a huge success.
We all wanted the watch the rugby to we stayed at their house and shouted at the television until the game finished. Then home to bed (well, I read for a bit). The late night meant Toby slept in until 9.30am!
Sunday Mike made me pancakes and then he went into work. I read for a bit and then tackled my tasks. We went to get some groceries I had missed, Mitre 10 for rat bait, face masks and various bits and bobs, Nandos for lunch for Toby, then back home. I tidied the garage a bit, and got my road bike back in. Then donned overalls, head torch, gloves and face mask and climbed into the roof space to collect the dead rat bodies. Hmmmm. Nice work. It was hot up there. Had to crawl into the far edges to try and fix a pink batt too! That was tricky.
Then the boring ironing. Mike came home and made tea and Toby and I watched the last Twilight movie. It got too lovey dovey for Toby at the end and he turned it off before the credit rolled. It didn't help that Mike had arrived and was making groaning and retching noises. Hahahah.
Bed for some welcome sleep! My run this morning was in the rain but by the time I finished, it was only foggy. My ride into work was on wet roads.
Time to kick start the day!
Have a wonderful week.
Friday, June 6, 2014
The Thursday with nothing. No, wait! I did have something on
I got to work and had a cup of tea with some colleagues and they asked if I was coming out to dinner with our manager that evening. No, I said. What dinner? Maybe I wasn't invited? Anyhow, I checked my calendar and yes, I had accepted dinner ages ago. It's her last day today (Fri). So I asked Mike nicely if he'd let me go out two nights in a row and he said yes. I do owe him though. I like to think I pay off my debts.
We went out to The Green Man (pub down on Victoria St - and a very nice pub) and I had the seafood chowder and it was good! Dunked some chips in too. Yum! Chatted away - learned office gossip. Yep, great fun.
Friday! Ooossshhh! Can't wait to relax over the weekend. Mike and I have dinner out on Saturday night at a friend's place. But, apart from that, not a lot on. I want to buy Mike's birthday present though. I might go into town Saturday to look around.
Anyhow, my Friday starts with breakfast, has a lunch, and has drinks. I'm not sure I'll survive until late tonight.
Have a wonderful weekend.
I got to work and had a cup of tea with some colleagues and they asked if I was coming out to dinner with our manager that evening. No, I said. What dinner? Maybe I wasn't invited? Anyhow, I checked my calendar and yes, I had accepted dinner ages ago. It's her last day today (Fri). So I asked Mike nicely if he'd let me go out two nights in a row and he said yes. I do owe him though. I like to think I pay off my debts.
We went out to The Green Man (pub down on Victoria St - and a very nice pub) and I had the seafood chowder and it was good! Dunked some chips in too. Yum! Chatted away - learned office gossip. Yep, great fun.
Friday! Ooossshhh! Can't wait to relax over the weekend. Mike and I have dinner out on Saturday night at a friend's place. But, apart from that, not a lot on. I want to buy Mike's birthday present though. I might go into town Saturday to look around.
Anyhow, my Friday starts with breakfast, has a lunch, and has drinks. I'm not sure I'll survive until late tonight.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Thursday, June 5, 2014
The Wednesday that wasn't terribly much like a Tuesday
Perhaps my short week has caught up with itself. I certainly wish it was already Friday. Must be a sure sign the short week wasn't quite short enough.
Yesterday I had the strangest day. I got to work and started into it. At 8.50 I got a reminder in Outlook that I was having a coffee with a client. I hurtled out the door and got there on time. Phew. Back to work and more frantic typing to sort things out. Then at 11.15 I got a text. Weird. From Helen (Andrew's Mum). "Hi. Sorry I was late to the cafe. But where are you?". Aaaarrrggghhh. I had completely forgotten making that coffee date while Helen was in town between appointments. I had to decline because I was almost ready to go out to my next appointment. Next time, I promise I won't forget. Yes, I am horrified.
Went to lunch in the sun trap with Aidan. We never go there for lunch. And who should walk past - Helen!!! We enjoyed the sunshine and Helen continued on her walk to her next appointment.
I got back to work and told my colleagues all about my day so far of forgotten appointments. They gave me such a hard time. I was evil Angela for a while and they threatened missed breakfasts and coffee dates. Back to work. Working, working. Then at 2pm, my manager came to my desk and said "Are we still on for lunch? Oh, have you already had lunch?". My colleagues chortled at another missed appointment. But, hey, this one was for sushi. I ALWAYS have room for sushi.
Yep. Today can't be as weird as that day!
Sally and Andrew popped around in the evening and I fed them the beef stew (it was quite a sweet one - Toby loved it!) and we looked at laptops for them. We may have even selected one that should do them nicely.
Mike was out and about at tramping club. He said it was a good night! It wasn't one talk - it was people reading out short stories of other people's tramping experiences, and you had to choose whose story was whose. Funny.
Time for a tea! Bring that on.
Perhaps my short week has caught up with itself. I certainly wish it was already Friday. Must be a sure sign the short week wasn't quite short enough.
Yesterday I had the strangest day. I got to work and started into it. At 8.50 I got a reminder in Outlook that I was having a coffee with a client. I hurtled out the door and got there on time. Phew. Back to work and more frantic typing to sort things out. Then at 11.15 I got a text. Weird. From Helen (Andrew's Mum). "Hi. Sorry I was late to the cafe. But where are you?". Aaaarrrggghhh. I had completely forgotten making that coffee date while Helen was in town between appointments. I had to decline because I was almost ready to go out to my next appointment. Next time, I promise I won't forget. Yes, I am horrified.
Went to lunch in the sun trap with Aidan. We never go there for lunch. And who should walk past - Helen!!! We enjoyed the sunshine and Helen continued on her walk to her next appointment.
I got back to work and told my colleagues all about my day so far of forgotten appointments. They gave me such a hard time. I was evil Angela for a while and they threatened missed breakfasts and coffee dates. Back to work. Working, working. Then at 2pm, my manager came to my desk and said "Are we still on for lunch? Oh, have you already had lunch?". My colleagues chortled at another missed appointment. But, hey, this one was for sushi. I ALWAYS have room for sushi.
Yep. Today can't be as weird as that day!
Sally and Andrew popped around in the evening and I fed them the beef stew (it was quite a sweet one - Toby loved it!) and we looked at laptops for them. We may have even selected one that should do them nicely.
Mike was out and about at tramping club. He said it was a good night! It wasn't one talk - it was people reading out short stories of other people's tramping experiences, and you had to choose whose story was whose. Funny.
Time for a tea! Bring that on.
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
The Tuesday that was like a Monday
Love short working weeks! Hahahah. Because it's already Wednesday. How cool! I rode home yesterday and grabbed the car and went to pick up Toby from Aidan and Josh's house. I could tell he had a great time staying there. I chatted to Aidan while she made tea and then got an invitation to eat it too! Oh yeah - played that card well. Well, actually, it wasn't my intention. But if it had been, it would have been well played.
Aidan was astonished that I ate every vegetable on my plate (it was stir fry chicken - with crispy veges - none of those sodden yucky veges). It was really rather nice. Just as we sat down to eat, Mike called me. He had just got home and was panicking that I wasn't there with Toby. He'd forgotten it was a holiday for Toby and was sure I was driving around Wellington trying to find him. It was a slightly odd conversation for a few seconds. Luckily Mike found leftovers in the fridge.
Toby and I gathered up his stuff and wandered down to the car (but not before checking out the meaty bolts and locks on the garage!) and home to see Mike. He has recovered nicely from his bout of whatever-it-was. He now thinks it was possibly viral because no one else got sick.
Today is the most stunning day here in Wellington. Cool crisp, no wind, blue skies. Yep - gorgeous. Have a lovely day!
Love short working weeks! Hahahah. Because it's already Wednesday. How cool! I rode home yesterday and grabbed the car and went to pick up Toby from Aidan and Josh's house. I could tell he had a great time staying there. I chatted to Aidan while she made tea and then got an invitation to eat it too! Oh yeah - played that card well. Well, actually, it wasn't my intention. But if it had been, it would have been well played.
Aidan was astonished that I ate every vegetable on my plate (it was stir fry chicken - with crispy veges - none of those sodden yucky veges). It was really rather nice. Just as we sat down to eat, Mike called me. He had just got home and was panicking that I wasn't there with Toby. He'd forgotten it was a holiday for Toby and was sure I was driving around Wellington trying to find him. It was a slightly odd conversation for a few seconds. Luckily Mike found leftovers in the fridge.
Toby and I gathered up his stuff and wandered down to the car (but not before checking out the meaty bolts and locks on the garage!) and home to see Mike. He has recovered nicely from his bout of whatever-it-was. He now thinks it was possibly viral because no one else got sick.
Today is the most stunning day here in Wellington. Cool crisp, no wind, blue skies. Yep - gorgeous. Have a lovely day!
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
The weekend with three days off
Talk about stunning weather for the long weekend! Wow. More of that for Wellington, but loads of snow on Mt Ruapehu, please.
Friday night I eventually got home after riding there in the dark. And I mean dark. One stretch near home is completely devoid of street lights at the moment. When I got home I changed the batteries in my lights. Hahahah. I also tried to pump up my new road tyres for my bike ride the next morning and had no joy. Tried again super early the next morning, hoping that daylight might make it easier. No. Went back to bed and read.
I opened the doors and enjoyed the still, crisp morning. It did mean I could see my breath when I exhaled. But the electric blanket kept up!
I read and tidied and eventually left the house to do something. Hahahah. I went around to see Aidan and her boys. She'd been out and about with them and decided that takeaways were in order. I tried her local Indian takeaways and declare them good!
Next morning was stunning - again! I dropped off some green council bags at Aidan's place and she convinced me I really wanted a walk. Turns out I did! I borrowed some clothes and shoes off her and we walked up to the world war two bunkers above Brooklyn. What an amazing view. Not a breath of wind. It was a slice of paradise.
I went home via the hardware store where I got the best customer service. I was wearing a skirt, so I am thinking that I need to wear one every time I visit. I painted my wardrobe doors, while wearing Mike's overalls.
Went out for tea at Sally and Andrew's place and caught up with people. Mike and Toby got back from tramping and Mike got so, so sick! That night he got up every hour to shout at the toilet. Poor chap.
That meant it was my job to take the boys to Armageddon (the sci fi convention). Aidan and Josh dropped off Emerson and Duncan and we walked to the Westpac Stadium.
The boys loved it. They bought well, and enjoyed the atmosphere. We listened to the voice actors for Grandpa Max (Ben 10), Rigby (Regular Show) and the voice of Mario for quite a while. Back to Aidan and Josh's place for a cup of tea then home to sort out my wardrobe. Not! Had a problem hanging it. One is now half on. It was a weekend of personal failures really - tyres still flat and wardrobe doors not on yet. Perhaps I need Mike after all! :-p
The side garden is done and looks great. I'll plant some veges this coming weekend. Awesome!
Lovely morning again here. My ride in was cold but good.
Have a great week.
Talk about stunning weather for the long weekend! Wow. More of that for Wellington, but loads of snow on Mt Ruapehu, please.
Friday night I eventually got home after riding there in the dark. And I mean dark. One stretch near home is completely devoid of street lights at the moment. When I got home I changed the batteries in my lights. Hahahah. I also tried to pump up my new road tyres for my bike ride the next morning and had no joy. Tried again super early the next morning, hoping that daylight might make it easier. No. Went back to bed and read.
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Made myself toast in bed |
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Morning just kept getting better |
I read and tidied and eventually left the house to do something. Hahahah. I went around to see Aidan and her boys. She'd been out and about with them and decided that takeaways were in order. I tried her local Indian takeaways and declare them good!
Next morning was stunning - again! I dropped off some green council bags at Aidan's place and she convinced me I really wanted a walk. Turns out I did! I borrowed some clothes and shoes off her and we walked up to the world war two bunkers above Brooklyn. What an amazing view. Not a breath of wind. It was a slice of paradise.
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Look at that view! |
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Your turn! |
I went home via the hardware store where I got the best customer service. I was wearing a skirt, so I am thinking that I need to wear one every time I visit. I painted my wardrobe doors, while wearing Mike's overalls.
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Doors looking good! |
Went out for tea at Sally and Andrew's place and caught up with people. Mike and Toby got back from tramping and Mike got so, so sick! That night he got up every hour to shout at the toilet. Poor chap.
That meant it was my job to take the boys to Armageddon (the sci fi convention). Aidan and Josh dropped off Emerson and Duncan and we walked to the Westpac Stadium.
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Three boys on a mission |
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Our side garden looks good |
Lovely morning again here. My ride in was cold but good.
Have a great week.
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