Thursday, June 12, 2014

The Wednesday with user group


What a long, actioned packed day Wednesday was!  Wow!  We got Benjamin in to look after Toby because Mike was presenting at the user group.  So, I had a long day at work, leading up to the session at the Microsoft  offices.  I tried to catch up with Aidan before she went home, but we ran out of time.  Instead, I jumped on her bus as it went past work, gave her a lemon tart as an unbirthday surprise (it was never going to happen on her actual birthday - she's far too busy for mundane things like birthdays) and hopped off at the next stop.  She thought it was a bit of a giggle I think.

Went over to the user group to set up the room.  Quite a few more people turned up than responded (and some that responded never showed - but net gain despite that!) and Mike amazed them all with his confident presenting style and had them all interacting and talking.  Someone even said it was one of the most interesting sessions that had ever attended!  Well done, Mike!

From there we went to Siem Reap for Peter's farewell dinner (his last day is today!).  It was great to catch up with people (some have since left work).  Mike ordered dessert with Ange and I ordered a main to share with Mike.  His dessert arrived first and it looked amazing (ice cream cocktail with Baileys and a massive chocolate flake sticking out between two scoops of ice cream.  Yes, it did look like it sounds.  A "manly" dessert, as Mike put it!).  He inhaled that and then my main came and he chomped through his half easily.  Presenting must take a lot out of you.

From there we walked to the BruHaus.  Unfortunately, we were meant to pop almost next door to the TapHaus.  So we walked back and sat drinking with Adam and Thomas for a bit, answering the quiz questions they had on.  Fun!

Back to the car park and I drove home and then dropped Benjamin off.  Such a late night for a school night.  But a wonderful day!

Have a fantastic day yourself today!  Try and top my Wednesday, eh?


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