Monday, June 30, 2014

The weekend where Toby thought it was awesome


Happy birthday to my mother for Saturday!  I rang her and chatted away for a while.  Our Saturday here was stunning - not a breath of wind.  Blue skies.  However, it only got to about 14C.  But it was t-shirt weather and all our doors and windows were open.

Friday night Will came over to stay for a sleepover.  Mike had to go home to do the Toby pick up duties while I had an appointment in town at the end of the day.  I caught the bus straight home and went out to get dinner (Burger Wisconsin).

Mike and I slept in the lounge in Mike's new tent.  It was pitched to dry out from the previous weekend.  Seemed such a waste to not use it.

Lulu came to visit on Saturday and although her family have decided that she will be in a kennel while they are away, it was a lovely visit.  Maybe we can look after her at another point, but not for quite as long.  Emerson and Duncan were around to play with Toby and Will - they have all been friends for a while so I think it's nice for Will and Emerson and Duncan to catch up.

I dropped Toby off at Sam's house in Miramar for a sleepover and went to see Ilske.  She cooked a yummy dinner and we watched an old Keanu Reeves movie.  Lake House it was called.  A romance with Sandra Bullock.  Yep - Ilske and I are happy to spend 2 hours watching Keanu.

Then home to see Mike and go to bed.  Up Sunday to do some gardening (Sally - I finally planted out the rengarenga) and re-planted some self-seeded hebes and pittosporums.  No idea if they will survive though.  Mike collected Toby from Sam's place and collected me and we went out to see Yingting and her family int heir new house in Heretaunga.  Aidan and Janne also came along.  Yingting put on a marvellous lunch and we got to see around her new house and property.  What a mansion!  Swimming pool.  Huge block of flat land.  Beautiful house.  We brought the bouncy castle and gave it away to them.  Their young family will get to use it for a while now!  Toby and Dabao had a good play in it.

Mike changed the tyre over while we had a flat driveway (put the spare back in the boot!) and we went home.  Mike cooked tea while I ironed and then we watched a couple of episodes of Cosmos.  I did fall sleep on the couch in Mike's lap in the second episode.  I know this because I woke up when my legs fell off and then again when Mike got up.  I don't think I saw very much of that episode.

The weather has changed back to normal wintry stuff now.  Hopefully lots of snow in the air because Mike is off to the mountain this weekend!

Have a lovely week.

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