Wednesday, June 4, 2014

The Tuesday that was like a Monday


Love short working weeks!  Hahahah.  Because it's already Wednesday.  How cool!  I rode home yesterday and grabbed the car and went to pick up Toby from Aidan and Josh's house.  I could tell he had a great time staying there.  I chatted to Aidan while she made tea and then got an invitation to eat it too!  Oh yeah - played that card well.  Well, actually, it wasn't my intention.  But if it had been, it would have been well played.

Aidan was astonished that I ate every vegetable on my plate (it was stir fry chicken - with crispy veges - none of those sodden yucky veges).  It was really rather nice.  Just as we sat down to eat, Mike called me.  He had just got home and was panicking that I wasn't there with Toby.  He'd forgotten it was a holiday for Toby and was sure I was driving around Wellington trying to find him.  It was a slightly odd conversation for a few seconds.  Luckily Mike found leftovers in the fridge.

Toby and I gathered up his stuff and wandered down to the car (but not before checking out the meaty bolts and locks on the garage!) and home to see Mike.  He has recovered nicely from his bout of whatever-it-was.  He now thinks it was possibly viral because no one else got sick.

Today is the most stunning day here in Wellington.  Cool crisp, no wind, blue skies.  Yep - gorgeous.  Have a lovely day!


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