Friday, June 27, 2014

The Thursday with a play


Okay - I am totally sure I cannot begin to explain how funny I thought this play was last night.  But first, let me tell you about the lead up to us going there.

Toby was supposed to get off the school bus in town and come into work.  But, it got to 4.30pm and there was no sign of him.  He wasn't answering calls or texts.  Eventually, at 4.50pm Mike and I decide someone needs to go and find him.  So I start to walk to the car.  But as I do, Toby calls me.  Says he forgot and he was at the Wadestown library.  Turns out he had walked home and then remembered he was supposed to be in town and walked back to the library!

Anyhow, I told him how to catch the bus back in and I went back to work and waited.  Popped out to grab him off the bus (he knew!) and then we all went out to dinner at The Flying Burrito Brothers.  That was very pleasant.

But then!  Then!  Then we went to see this play at the Bats theatre.  Benedict Cumberbatch must die.  I had no idea what it was about. Benedict Cumberbatch must die  But I have not seen a funnier thing in years!  Years!  I was laughing so much tears were streaming out of my eyes.  And at one point I was sure I was going to lose the plot entirely and fall into a helpless giggling fit.  But I managed to claw back to the verge of control and the task at hand (being a responsible audience member - and in the front row).  Toby loved it too.  All three of us laughed long and loud and often!

Back home driving through the rain and into a welcome warm, dry bed.

This morning the rain had stopped and the stars were out as I rode into work.  I am a little early so I can get away a bit early today.  The weekend can't come soon enough though.  Movie with Ilske is all set for Saturday night.  And Toby has a sleepover Saturday night too.  Lulu arrives to stay with us for the month of July.  I am looking forward to that!  Our own dog - for a whole month!  Lots of walks.

Have a wonderful weekend!

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