Friday, March 13, 2015

The Thursday with no Toby


But today is the Friday where Toby gets back.  Mike and I have missed him and we're looking forward to smothering him in kisses.  Okay - that might be just me.  :-p

Yesterday was a beautiful day here in Wellington.  So the autumn still has lovely weather left in it.  Mind you, I can't wait for the ski season, so I also look forward to cold, freezing, wet days here that leaves metres of snow on the mountains.

I went to the Backbencher for drinks after work with Aidan and her colleagues and Mike soon joined us.  He had a haircut booked up the road so it was super easy to lure him away from extra work and having a beer.

Aidan had fallen over on her run into work yesterday so she showed me her impressive scrapes.  Ouch!  The road rash down her leg looked amazing.  Plasters on her knee and mighty fine looking bandages on her palms.  Her colleagues have been practising their first aid skills on her all day.  I'm pleased they all took care of her.

Anyhow, Greg and Ella entertained us with their conversation and it was just the sort Mike loves to get involved in.  But we had to get away for the haircut and I had tea to cook for Ange.  Woot!

I caught the bus home and started making butter chicken.  It wasn't as good as my normal butter chicken.  But Mike said it was the best.  He likes it tomatoey.  We chatted away to Ange for ages before I got sleepy and conversation wasn't my strong point anymore.  Keeping my head off the table was enough effort.  But Mike and Ange are night people and were still going full bore.  Eventually they may have noticed my lack of social skills and Ange headed off home.  It was a great night!

Had to catch the bus in this morning.  Can't wait for a cup of tea.

The weekend looks pretty marvellous.  Work has the dragon boating team finals so I want to go and watch that.  I need to do loads of housework.  And buy an iron!

Enjoy your day!


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