Monday, March 16, 2015

The weekend that was just wonderful


Although it was a weekend at home, I had a wonderful weekend.  Jam packed with loads of things.  Let's see if I can remember any of it.

Friday I caught up with Ilske for an iced coffee after getting a ride with Jo from work to Cuba Street to drop off the tax documents.  The exciting part of that was Jo took me on the back of her scooter.  She was awesome, given I was by far the heaviest pillion she'd ever had.  The wee scooter handled it brilliantly.  I was so chuffed!

Iced coffee at Thunderbird with Ilske

Got home after work and Mike had collected Toby from the ferry terminal with Josh and his boys.  We had lots of cuddles and Toby was so talkative and looked happy and healthy.  We watched a movie together called "FAQ About Time Travel".  It was hilarious.  And in the end credits, Mike Gilbert drove a car for them!
Mike Gilbert as the Camera Car Driver

But before the movie, I wandered around to Ange's house to collect her spare iron after the disaster last weekend where our trusty iron popped the fuses in the house.  I watched a bit of TV with Ange and watched one of her cats sleeping next to me.  So cute.
Sapphire curled up

Next morning Mike dropped me in town and I caught up with the work Dragon Boating team for the finals.  I saw a heat and they cruised in.  Turns out they were awesome all day and got silver in the final Corporate challenge.  Such a good team.

Team Raptors go!

Wow - push ups to warm up.  That would have killed me

Loved the team's warm ups

In the front in their heat!

Nice view of the harbour

Mike popped in to say hi to everyone as he collected me.  And then we went home to get ready for tea with Tabors.  They were due to arrive at 6pm.  Although Mike had arranged this dinner and we were unsure of the actual timings.  Fortunately the Tabors knew when they were due.  Hahah.

Some of these just look like they used to contain alcohol

Mike cooked up an awesome vegetarian lasagne and we chatted away.  The boys finalised their tramping plans for the second week of the coming school holidays.  Lake Waikaremoana.  Should be amazing.  Aidan and I muttered about some of our plan for our weekend away.  It's not quite as locked in as the boys, but it's getting there.

Next day saw me sleeping in as I had read until late and this played havoc with Mike's plans.  I think he was using me as the early alarm clock.  But it wasn't on.  :-p

He got up to take rubbish to the tip and Toby mowed the lawn.  I tidied and pottered around.  Mike and I moved stuff to the loft and threw away a few things.

Toby mowed the lawn

View from the garage through cobwebby windows

Goodbye my lovely Shoei helmet

I have said goodbye to my old Shoei helmet.  I love this helmet.  It was so comfortable and quiet.  But the foam inside has all come away.  I need a new one.

Aidan popped in for a cup of tea and I had a welcome respite from throwing away my stuff.

Then, I went grocery shopping for the week and came back to make tea.  The evening was perfection so we sat on the deck reading.

Dinner on the deck with my Kindle

The view was stunning

Mike also enjoying dinner on the deck with his Kindle

This morning was a bit weird.  I was about to head out the door in my bike gear when Mike mentioned Toby's appointment at 4pm.  I need the car for that so I hurriedly change to my work clothes and drove in!

We're supposed to get the tail of Cyclone Pam that just devastated Vanuatu.  It won't be great weather for the next few days.  We've got gale force southerlies forecast.  It might be a good thing I have the car today.

Right.  Have an awesome week!


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