Friday, June 19, 2020

The Thursday with another day in the office


It's Friday - yay-day!  And another absolutely sodden day here in Wellington.  With a bit of wind - just to make you sit up and take notice.

Friday iced coffee from Lewis Road.

I just tagged this post with the "iced coffee" label and wonder why I have a label called "gladwrap".  I am going to have to click on it and see what posts warranted that label.  It's like social archaeology - having an online diary of what we do.


Anyway, yesterday I was flat out in the office.  Never left.

My lunch
Tried to escape at 5.15pm, got held up a bit leaving and then met Andrew for a walk to the station.  Wandered around in the underground bit, heading to the Beehive for Mike to come get me.

It turned into a disaster.  My old phone had 25% battery when I left work.  It is on the network so I could text Mike to say I was leaving work and would meet him soon if he could come get me.  No answer, but I headed out anyway.

I figured at this time it would be busy for him to come into town, sop meeting him at the Beehive would be easier for a pick up.

But in one minute of getting my old phone out to talk to him, it went to zero battery and shut down.  Ooohhhh.  This is why I got a new phone.


Plenty of charge on the current phone - just no network.  So I wandered around, looking for free WiFi.  Found spotty Parliament Free and tried to call Mike.  Phone went dark on me (which is why I want a new phone).

Garbled messages to Mike - in the dark, in the rain, with a phone I couldn't see
I sent random texts and tried to call Mike.  When I finally found shelter and woke my phone up, I laughed at the random rubbish I had sent Mike.

How he knew what I wanted and managed to come get me, I will never know.

Got home, cooked tea.  Had soup.  It was good.

Weekend beckons.  Bit wet here though.  Have fun!


Contact Register:
Thurs June 18
Angela @ work all day
Angela wandering around aimlessly at 5.30pm trying to get a WiFi connection
Angela waiting in the bus stop outside Parliament ~ 5.45pm - 6pm

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