Thursday, June 4, 2020

The Wednesday with Toby's play


Mike and I left work early and headed into town for Toby's Year 13 drama performance.  We got in with 10 mins to spare for the 4pm session.  Same place as last year's Shakespeare play (wee theatre at the back of the main hall's stage).  Tessa was on sound and lighting so we saw her as we entered.

The play
We had to sign in for the contact register.  As we mingled outside the theatre, socially distancing ourselves, the actors all came out to welcome us and lead us in.  Toby was dressed with the same blue flannel shirt as the other 4 actors.

The theatre was set up with chairs in a double circle (inner row and outer row) and 5 chairs in the middle that the actors used.

The play was originally written for 1 actor only.  But they had scripted it to split the role into 5 with each actor playing a facet of the original actor.

And is my son good, or what?  He can totally act.  It was an emotional play (the disclaimer on the door explained how it deals with themes around suicide) and any mis-steps they made in delivering the play were not even noticeable.

Some audience participation was needed.  Mike ended up being a lecturer.  He's talented too.

Toby was amazing.  And the drama teacher filmed it - so I hope we can get a copy of it for the grandparents to watch.

Went to Maccas after it to eat and then headed home.  Toby set up our new Alexa (we got the new Show for the kitchen).  We were all chatting to her around 9pm in the kitchen.

And slept okay.  Up early to go to Quentin's house for 7.15am session.

Mike has drinks tonight.

All busy in the Gilbert household.

Enjoy your day.  Stay warm and dry.  It's wet in Welly.


Contact Register:
WHS play performance Wed June 3rd from 4 - 5pm
Maccas Basin June 3rd Wed night  6pm.  Angela, Mike and Toby

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