Friday, May 27, 2016

The Thursday that was so like a Wednesday


Well, I went to the gym after work today.  It's just down the road from my work.  It was a trial pass for the day, just to check it out.  An instructor called Tom showed me around and gave me a few exercises on the leg machines to try.  I also checked out a bike they had.  It hooks into TV.  You can ride while watching Sky movies or TV.  How funny.  Or - get this - you can choose a course in Europe and it switches to video of the road and you can pretend you're in the Tour de France.  I think I was sold right there!

The bike computer
But - I have a follow up meeting with an instructor on Tuesday evening at 5pm.  I think I want to try their cycle classes.  Apparently they are really hard work.  Sounds like something I want to try.

I went back to work and hopped on my own bike and rode much less like I was in the Tour de France back home.  Mike had almost finished making tea by the time I got in.  Just for Sally, she can see our Chicken Tikka Pita Pockets meal.  It was ok.  I personally wouldn't rush to make that one again.

Looking as good as the recipe photo

Tonight is some Moroccan Lamb dish.  Mmmm.  Hold any raisins!  (If they are mad enough to add them in!)

The weekend looks relaxing - for me anyway.  Mattress shopping early tomorrow.  Followed by a chocolate factory tour and a day walk.  Then possibly dinner out with some people we know moving to the UK.

Sunday is Mike's leadership day.  I am hoping to get a bike ride in on Sunday afternoon.  But in the evening we have dinner out with Benjamin to celebrate his 21st!  Woot!  How cool!  Looking forward to that.

Have a wonderful weekend wherever you are.


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