Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Monday with blissful nothingness


Well, I guess it was hardly blissful nothingness.  We had to drive to Scots for a 7.45am meeting with Toby's teacher to go over his routine.  Turns out his teacher thought we weren't doing spelling homework with Toby since the year started.  We thought the instructions said only write down (three times) the words you get wrong.  Toby hardly gets any words wrong.  He practised his words on separate bit of paper and only wrote the wrong words in his book.  His teacher said in that case he needs to go up a level in spelling!  Hahahah.  So, we helped Toby set some goals (mainly around focusing and organising).

Work went well.  I need to find more hours in the day though.  Bit pants!  I had lunch with Aidan T at Te Papa and that was very pleasant.  She was dressed up smartly for the tourist crowd at the museum as she had a two hour seminar to present later that afternoon.  Rather her than me.  By all accounts (well, hers) it went rather fine. 

I caught the bus home (waited for almost twenty minutes and then was on the sloooooooow bus) and Mike had prepared dinner.  Great!  We ate and Toby had already done his homework and organising.  Marvellous.  Off to bed and Mike rang his parents while I chatted and texted and emailed friends.  Duncan rang asking about two bright stars low on their western horizon that he was sure were planets.  I couldn't see them from our house but I guessed they were Venus and Jupiter.  Those two are very bright.  Sure enough, I eventually figured I could use Mike's Star Walk on his iPhone and confirm.  Yay!  I was right.  Next month Saturn is looking mighty fine and I am hoping a few clear nights will mean I get a good look at it.

You'd think that going to sleep with a starry night (one of the few we have had this summer - so few in fact that a starry night made Mike comment on the unusual occurrence of seeing stars as we fell asleep from our window) would mean a great ride in this morning.  But, no.  You'd be wrong.  I went up to the garage and a southerly came in with light rain.  Rode through that all the way down the hill until it was just dry, cold southerly at sea level (minus the rain).  Nice.  I may have to contemplate finding a top to wear over my t-shirt for the morning ride now.  Getting a little bit chilly.

Anyhow, work, work, work now.  After a tea.  Or two.  Heheheh.  Cubs tonight.  We're supposed to be going fishing.  If the southerly keeps up, it might not be too pleasant.  But the Cubs are looking forward to it, so we may go in spite of the weather.  We shall see.

Have a fantastic day!

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