Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Wednesday with karate


I rode up Garden Road and it seemed even easier last night than it did last week.  Yay!  Karate was good but sitting there in my bike shorts meant I was pretty cold by the end of it.  Might have to scoot home and get changed before coming to sit in a cold hall.  Especially though winter.

Our car's back left wheel was making a graunching noise as we drove home.  Mike was then too late for tramping club so Benjamin will need to carry in our billy instead of a club billy (it should be fine - we use our billy on club trips from time to time).  Mike jacked up the car and took off the wheel and eventually found the cause (a stone stuck in the cowling somewhere - well done Mike!).

Tonight I have a movie date with Christine.  I think the Hunger Games will win.  I want to see it and when the opportunity presents itself and I am faced with a multitude of movies (most of which I will not recognise at all), I think I'll choose a movie I want to see.  If I wait for others, I may not see it at all.  That would be worse.  Right?  Heheheh.

So, because I am off to play, Mike has to leave a little early and collect Toby and Tom (John is away).  Hence, I had Toby drop off duties this morning.  Whilst I have been around for Toby drop off duty this term, I haven't done it by myself.  I called Toby up for the last bits of getting ready (shoes, tie, blazer, teeth) and we both panicked when we saw his tie was undone.  Usually it has the knot in it already and Toby slips it over his head and pulls it up snug under his collar.  I have never tied a tie before.

I said "Take it to school and someone will do it for you".  "No!" says Toby, with an edge of panic in his voice.  He quickly brushed his teeth.  He turned back to me and said "I know.  Let's watch a You Tube video on how to tie it".  "Sorry - we don't have time", I said.  "Let me give it a go", I said. 

So I grab the tie and start making a knot.  "No", says Toby.  "The fat end goes over the skinny end first".  So, I change the start of the knot.  In two seconds I had the tie tied.  Marvels of marvels.  Our grins were huge as Toby grabbed the knot and pulled it snug up to his collar.

Our grins faded when we saw the tiny stub of a tie that was left hanging only halfway down his chest.  I got Toby to tuck the considerable tail end of the tie (well past his shorts) into his shirt.  When Alex saw his tie, there was a strange look come over his face.  I think it looks rather funny.

I can tie a tie!  Yay.  I need to learn where in the tie to start the knot obviously!  Heheheh.

Gorgeous day here!  Have a great day!

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