Monday, March 26, 2012

The weekend with Cub Camp


I am unsure what to write about the weekend Cub Camp.  Apart from one incident, it was quite successful.  And as I type here, the sparrows in the trees along Lambton Quay were all chirping their dawn chorus very loudly.  Then, as one, they abruptly stopped.  Next thing I saw was a huge flock of them leaving for their day's activities.  I guess their dawn chorus is Mike's equivalent of 2 cups of coffee before they can do anything.

So, Friday night I met the other Cub leaders to get all the gear ready for Saturday morning.  Then I went grocery shopping with Toby before settling in to watch Jurassic Fight Club (a documentary about dinosaurs that used to fight each other - Toby and I love it and Toby takes notes!).  I made a mistake of introducing Toby to Draw Something (a new app game on my phone that work colleagues got me into) and when Mike got home he came and joined us.  So we had it on three devices and were all playing each other and friends!  Unfortunately the addictive natures of my boys meant they played until midnight, even with the last thirty minutes having my grumbling echo around them "Let's go to sleep!".

Next morning we packed up and headed a little late to the Scout Hall.  We were nearly all packed there too and waited for Cubs to arrive. The weather wasn't looking promising - but not as bad as the weather bomb for last time.  Galeforce winds.  Yeah, sure.  We'll be fine.

Off to camp and we pitched two canvas tents and I convinced the leaders we should put the girls in one of our tents.  Mike and I pitched the kitchen area and Mike did very well with two flys free-standing over our trestle tables.  We ate lunch and then kicked into kayaking and confidence course fun.  The weather stayed dry but threatening all afternoon.

A Cub leader came to me saying he was having problems with a certain Cub and could I have a talk to him.  I managed to get the Cub to apologise for his behaviour, but unfortunately it was a sign of things to come.

Dinner was sausages and potatoes and I loved the potatoes!  I had thirds!  Unheard of behaviour.  We built a campfire and toasted marshmallows.  At about 8pm the rain started.  But by then, after a game of spotlight, the Cubs were ready for bed.  Some obviously were ready at 7pm for bed and some must be night owls!  Strange!  Anyhow, Mike and I had pitched our tent behind our car and I think it dampened any noise.  Toby came into our tent very early on saying his tent was too noisy for him to sleep and I didn't mind that.  It is a perk of Cub Camp if your parents are there!  Mike had to go and help Simon with some troublesome Cubs and Toby drifted to sleep.

When Mike got back, he and I fell asleep very quickly.  The wind wasn't too bad at all.  Turns out one of the tents with the previously naughty Cub was a lot of trouble.  Simon was up until 2am trying to sort them out and he sat in their tent in the end until they fell asleep.  I may not have had Simon's patience and would have taken the naughty Cub home then!  But we didn't hear about it until we got up.

Sunday was lovely.  We had blue skies and the wind had died away.  Breakfast was successful and then more kayaking.  We started to break camp and it took a long time.  This is when the naughty Cub started playing up even more.  Eventually it was decided to ring his mother to come and get him.  So Mike and I drove into cellphone reception and I had the unpleasant task of calling his mother and explaining his behaviour.

The rest of the Cubs went on a walk while the other leaders and parent help tidied up and got lunch ready.  We didn't have enough parent help - there were just two parents there and the four leaders.  But the amount of work meant we needed at least four more adults.  Ideally we would have had activities right the way through and parents striking camp.  The free time for the Cubs meant they got into more mischief than they should have.

The naughty Cub got collected and the rest of them built a dam and played until they also got collected.  I was away by 3pm!  Hooray!  Lots of lessons learned.

Sunday afternoon Mike had to go and sort out some website work for tramping club and I ironed for the week and watched TV with Toby.  Nice way to relax.  The camping things all got put away and washing is now up-to-date.  Phew!

Today is lovely here in Wellington.  Blue skies.  It is very dark as I ride in now.
Have a wonderful week!

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