Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Wednesday with karate - not that I know much about it


After work I wandered around to Sweet Mother's Kitchen and met up with Christine and her family to celebrate Christine's birthday. It was very nice to catch up with them as at the moment we only see each other as I ride up the hill and they flash past in their car. Mind you, they often slow down to shout out what may be encouragement out the window, but sounds like hoots of laughter from where I am! Heheheh. I think Christine may have shouted out something like "I like your shorts" as the car whipped past once. Makes the grind up the hill a bit more fun!

Mike took Toby to karate and although I never asked, I am sure it went better than last week. Apparently a dinner of 2 minute noodles before karate is way better than a huge burger! Mike dropped Toby off to me on the way to the photo competition night at the tramping club with Vivienne in tow. And John and Christine gave us a ride home. Very nice. Toby and I did some homework and then off to bed!

One thing I did want to mention was this huge jump off a building Toby did at Cubs the other night. We were up at Wrights Hill which has a lot of World War Two buildings and tunnels. As the leaders and adults congregated to discuss the orienteering aspect to the evening (doubts in all our minds and the prospect of getting lost and looking dumb high on our list of fears), the Cubs played on the roof of a building. Jo, a nurse, then said "They will end up with fractures if they keep doing that". Turns out one or two of the Cubs had jumped off the roof of the building onto the grass.

We walked over (probably 50m away) and I saw Toby preparing to jump. But I decided there was no way my risk averse boy would jump off that building. It was about 3 or 4 metre high! So I had no expectations he would jump/ But as we got closer, Toby did indeed jump off this huge building. He landed heavily and rolled - got up saying he was alright. Then hobbled away clutching his leg saying he was alright.

My heart was pounding as I watched him carefully from a distance for signs of broken bones threatening to pierce him through his delicate skin. But, nothing. After 5 minutes he was right as rain.

Anyhow, tonight I have a presentation at the user group. I think I may be entirely useless. But it is only for a short time. How long is 35 minutes in the course of my full and eventful life outside of the user group presentation nerves? Heheheheh. And no one will remember it anyway after it is done.

Mike is off work today. Apparently I have given him my cold and it is turning into a good one. Poor Mike!

The ride down the hill this morning was very exciting. There is a very strong southerly, which we never know about as it passes over our roof, tucked under the road as we are. But as soon as I rounded the corner above the library I knew all about it. I had to pedal down the hill! The wind was keeping me upright and blowing me off course as I pedalled furiously to beat the conditions into submission! The weather is supposed to ease by the evening. Hopefully my ride home will be less exciting.

Have a wonderful day!

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