Friday, March 9, 2012

The Thursday with a presentation


Hahahahah - as Aidan pointed out, with massive solar flares approaching Earth, I had a good reason why any technology wouldn't work last night during my presentation.  Fortunately the only hiccough was a bleeding nose about an hour before the start.  But that was due to my cold and persistent blowing rather than anything else.  I managed to get through it and talk for about 35 minutes.  It was vaguely coherent - apparently.  Could have been better.  Could have been way worse though - right?  Hahahahah.  So, despite dreading it for about a week now, I stupidly think I should volunteer again somewhere towards the end of the year.  Please, please!  When I mention it to you, say "NO!".

Anyhow, the boys came to pick me up afterwards so now I have the strange situation where my bike and pannier are at Intergen, my laptop was at home (thanks for taking it to work and plugging it in, Mike) and I am at the client site.  If I walk to Intergen this afternoon I should be able to make the company meeting and ride home and once again, reunite all my possessions.

The weekend is looking relaxing.  Our last free weekend for ages!  We have three playdates for Toby.  Jack is coming for a play tomorrow afternoon.  Then Tom and William!  Both for a sleepover.  How did that happen?  Heheheh.

Sunday is a picnic day at Scots so we may head along to that if the weather is nice enough.  And I'd like to squash in a movie with Mike somewhere if possible.  We'll see.

Have a great weekend.


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