Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Tuesday with no Cubs


Yes - the one Tuesday a year in term time that we get a night off Cubs (due to Cub Camp).  Of course, this year it coincided with parent/teacher interviews.  But afterwards we did get away to a romantic dinner for two.

Mike's parents are in town, so they went to collect Toby and look after him for the evening.  When I was making Toby's lunch this morning, I could tell from the empty pantry that Toby had convinced his grandparents that he can eat anything for his after school snack.  And I happen to know that Yingjie's mother also gives him a good after school snack!  Cheeky boy!

Anyhow, meanwhile Mike and I went to see his teacher.  And we are now very proud parents of a boy that exceeds the average in everything - except maths.  But the pleasant surprise is that he is average in maths.  From the carry-on he puts on when confronted with maths homework, I thought he must be doing poorly.  But, no!  He is in the top 10% of Year 5 students in reading, comprehension and listening (listening?  really? Heheheh) and sitting on the dotted line for maths.  Not too shabby.  And his teacher says he is improving as the term goes by in terms of focus and doing what is necessary.  So, we're pleased.

Now we have waved the carrot in his face.  If he pushes his maths up to the top of the green range (the normal range for Year 5 students) by the end of the year, he'll get a Nintendo 3DS.  He wants one, apparently.  Nothing like a little bit of motivation.  He also sits ICAS exams in the middle of the year.  In Maths, Science and English.  That'll be interesting.  The teacher said she'd get us previous exams to practise.  Cool. 

After receiving that pleasant news about Toby's progress, we went to the Thai restaurant in Miramar only to find it closed due to a bereavement. So I showed Mike through the Roxy cinema (very nice retro style) and took him to La Boca Loca - a Mexican restaurant.  And it was very good!

Back home with burgers for the family (we forgot to order pizza for Toby and his babysitters - it is the usual routine) and to catch up (finally) with Mike's parents.  I think they have been here almost a week but this was the first time we'd seen them.

Karate tonight.  And I will ride up Garden Road to meet the boys there.  The ride down the hill was lovely this morning.  With no cloud (how odd) it was light enough this morning.  Well, I was twenty minutes later than usual so that might have had something to do with it.  Daylight savings ends this weekend. 

So, have a wonderful day.  March is nearly done and dusted.  One more busy weekend for me and then we can relax for a while at weekends.  Get some of those pesky around-the-house jobs finally done.  Hooray.  Not!  Hahahah.


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