Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Tuesday with Cubs and more burgers


Okay - the only difference between yesterday's ride in and this morning's ride in was the rain.  Yesterday's rain was the sort of rain that doesn't get anything wet.  No - we don't have a word for that sort of rain in the English language.  But I bet if we lived somewhere like a rain forest, we'd have a name for rain like that.  But we certainly can describe this morning's rain.  Wet.  Wet rain.  Yep.  I got soaked.  My bike clothes are now festooned on every rail under my desk (fortunately there are lots of rails for all sorts of things) trying to dry before I have to pull them back on at the other end of the day.  It is still pretty windy.  I could only get up to 12 km/hr along the waterfront into the head wind. 

Anyhow, I also got wet riding home yesterday.  In fact, conditions were so poor I had people I hardly know telling me to be careful as I left the building.  Always slightly disconcerting.  As a result, I think I looked a bit like a drowned rat at Cubs.  But no one commented.

Jo (new leader) got all the Cubs to make kites and it was a huge success.  Once I understood where to make the first fold, the rest was easy.  Toby loved his kite.  In fact, a lot of Cubs loved their kites.  Jack wouldn't even fly his outside in case it got damaged.  Damaged by the rain and strong winds.  So perfectly understandable.  There was a little carnage.

Mike didn't go to cubs as he was working on the tramping club website,, and last night he got the new replacement website live.  So he is a happy man.  Yay!

Tonight is karate night.  I might try to ride straight there to watch the activities.  Unless it is raining heavily again, in which case I will ride home and have a hot shower!  Heheheh.

Have a marvellous day!

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