Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The Monday working from home


Well, the day went okay working from home.  Toby's tummy came right after an hour or so but he was pretty good about reading and lying down (the rules if you're sick).  I managed to get through all my meetings (even the extra surprise two) and only had to mute and tell Toby off once (he decided that electronic devices were fair game if his mother was distracted - turns out she wasn't distracted at all, especially when it coincided with a network outage).

Cooked pizzas for the boys and got compliments on them.  Little did they know that 20 minutes before they were served I was asking Aidan for cooking instructions.  Hahahah.

The weather is windy here - my ride in this morning was good but with my laptop in the pannier, I never really enjoy the cycling.  The pannier is heavy and large and my foot clips it regularly.  It has even popped off one side once before and that wasn't fun.  But the roads were dry.  So I had enough fun!

Better get stuck in.  I hope Toby is okay.  Tomorrow is grandparent day and fortunately Mike's mother is coming up for it.  Toby was very pleased when he heard that.  He sent out letters inviting both sets of grandparents and had received (and will receive) polite declines from the ones that couldn't make it.  There's always next year when Toby is in Middle School!  Of course, Nana is in the enviable position of having attended the Middle School grandparent day already (due to a mix up in communications from the school to us).

Have a lovely day!  Hope the area around Sydney cops a lot of rain to help with the fire fighting!


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