Thursday, October 31, 2013

The Wednesday with a little bit of Svalbard


Yesterday the weather started off quite nice and deteriorated into a mess of wind and rain.

I managed to catch up briefly with Aidan around lunchtime.  Her timing was a little less than impeccable as I had just heated my lunch and taken two mouthfuls when she rang and was outside.  However, as she pointed out, her timing was actually perfect because she wasn't interrupting any work meetings and I could pop out to say hi.  Anyhow, it was a short hello and my food was still warm when I got back to it.  Yay!

Toby got off the bus in town and caused difficulties for his mother at her workplace by not knuckling down and doing homework.  When we finally caught up with Mike for dinner, Mike wondered where his usually much happier wife had got to.  She'd gone to a happier place where her son hadn't sucked the lifeforce out of her and left a dried husk in her place.  However, a bit of explaining my point of view had Toby realising he had been a bit less than his usual perfection.  So after tea we went back to my work and Toby ploughed through his homework.

Eventually we wandered over to the tramping club meeting and we watched a presentation on someone's trip to Svalbard.  Toby enjoyed it but was hoping to see a polar bear.  But the only one we saw a photo of was the one in the airport.

Back home and to bed.  Up this morning to catch the bus in.  The weather is still awful.  But it's not cold.  Just wet and windy.  Halloween today and Mike will head home to help Toby get ready.  A work colleague is leaving so I will pop out to the pub and then ride home the long way before finding the boys and making sure Halloween goes well.

Have a lovely day!

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