Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Wednesday with tramping club for Mike


I drove home yesterday and collected the boys from the Wadestown library.  I had to work so Toby did his homework at one end of the table and I worked at the other end.  Eventually I made tea and we ate.  Jack is such a polite boy.  He thanks me for everything.

I managed to wash and iron his shirt as per the instructions from the billeting organisers.  Toby also has his school photos today so his got washed and ironed too.  And his shoes polished.  I was channeling domestic goddess last night for sure.  Doesn't happen often.  I should have taken photographic evidence.

Mike got home quite early and rode his bike home.  I believe it was the first time in about a month he has been on his bike.  We sat reading for a bit and then something happened to me and I fell into a coma.  Slept the sleep of the dead.

Another gorgeous morning.  In fact, today is stunning.  The sort of day that makes you glad you live here.  Jupiter looked good this morning.  My bike ride in was fun!

When I wake up at 6am, I listen to the news.  Then the station plays one song before the morning crew start a bit of talking.  I turn it off then.  But that means I hear one song and it becomes an earworm for the morning.  I was singing it at one point and Mike corrected me.  "No, it goes like this..."  Anyhow, about 10 minutes later I was brushing my teeth and had to wander around doing something.  So I was singing it again, while brushing my teeth.  As I finished Mike said "You know, you sound better singing with the toothbrush in your mouth".  Just to clarify this, I confirmed that what he really meant was I sounded better singing with a toothbrush in my mouth.  Just in case I had completely misunderstood him.  There was no denying it - that is exactly what he meant.  And then further in his defence, he said "I try to say positive things about your singing".  Right.  Positive.  Positively cheeky, perhaps?

Anyhow - if you're in Wellington you will have the best day ever because the day is glorious.  Others of you will have to make do with second best today.  Hahahah!


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