Thursday, November 21, 2013

The Wednesday with nothing much


After a complicated scenario from Mike involving many permutations to allow me to ride the long way and him to work late and Toby to get collected, I decided the Gilbert plan was far too hard and the Emmerson plan of "I'll go home and collect Toby" was far superior.  So that's what we did.  Mike worked hard and went to tramping club and worked hard pushing his agenda there.

I rode home the short way and got dinner ready.  Toby and I had another pleasant evening.  Homework done.  Doors open.  The wind has got up now though and I have found a new way to avoid luxing.  Open the doors to the deck when the wind is up.  It does create havoc with our loose papers.  But the dust is magically pushed into places you never see again!  The doors to our deck might just mean we have to tidy up more often.  Could be a boon in more ways than one.  Or we might just lose papers.

Tonight we're leaving work early to go to Toby's school for a student led conference.  Not terribly sure what that means.  But it should be fun!  Then home - I might even ride home if I'm feeling super keen.

Mike had a coughing fit in the middle of the night.  So much so that it made him physically sick.  Like happened to me about 6 weeks back with my bad cold.  So I think in a roundabout way, Mike has caught what I had back then.  He woke everyone up.  Toby was funny.  "Mum! he shouted.  "Dad's vomiting".  As if I couldn't tell for some reason.

Mind you, he also woke in the night and went to the toilet.  From his room he came into ours and went into the ensuite.  And turned all the lights on.  Even the one in our room.  People that know our house will realise that Toby has his own door to the ensuite from his room.

I think both my boys are a bit mad.

Anyhow, another lovely day here.  Enjoyed my ride in again.  All over the back of a car coming down the hill.  So much so that I had to pull the anchors on when they unexpectedly stopped for another car.  Hmmm.  Best watch my following distance.

Have a marvellous day!


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