What an awesome weekend. I left Wellington on Thursday afternoon and hit major traffic on the way out through to Waikanae. What is with that route? Awful - glad I don't live that way.
Got to Palmerston North at 6.40pm or so and found my way to Iona and Col's house ok. Iona and I went out for dinner in town. The town was heaving - it was a graduation night for the local uni. We eventually found a Thai restaurant that could fit us in and enjoyed some yummy food.
Back to their house and I fell into bed and possibly got distracted with a book and read until 1am! Ouch!
Up to have a cuppa with Col before heading to Sanson for a brekkie with her. She dropped Frida off at the kennels as they were both away for the weekend to a family wedding.
I'd just ordered our breakfast and Col's coffee just got made when they had a power cut. They asked me if I was in a hurry and I asked how long it takes to get to Taupo from here. They said 2.5 hours (must have a Gilbert gene) so I said we were in no hurry.
Cute wee car |
Iced coffee was sweet but quite good. |
Eventually the power came back on and we got a yummy breakfast. And I got my iced coffee. Col and I chatted away and eventually I had to head off. I filled up at the Z there and headed north. Music on, singing away.
I found the accommodation around 1.30pm and settled in. Moved in my bike and gear and then went into town to collect the race packs.
I got James' pack, and Sreejith's. And Mike's - but he didn't need one as he wasn't riding. Still, he'd paid for his entry so I picked up his pack.
I managed to change Sreejith and James to different groups. Sreejith and his family just arrived so I went to chat to them. James and Celia were held up in diabolical traffic so they arranged to meet me at our house around 8.30pm.
I went back home and got the bike ready. Did a glass inspection as per Andrew's lessons to me. Didn't do me much good as you will see. :-(
When Celia and James arrived to collect his race pack, I chatted to them for a bit, before heading to bed in a coma. I had the best sleep ever. But I did wake up at 5am, an hour before my alarm was due to go off.
Got my bib |
Mike woke up with me, which was nice as he'd only had 4 hours sleep by then. He and Toby had left late from Wellington and got in around midnight.
I ate scrambled eggs and porridge. I brought the omelette maker with me to cook an omelette. But when I prepared my egg and opened the omelette maker, I discovered I had brought the sandwich press instead. Oops.
Soon I was ready - trouble was I was about 2.5 hours early. So Mike and I went back to bed. Hahah.
Anyway, around 8am we got in the car and Mike took me close to the start as he could get. We pushed the bike and I got some of my nerves out of the way by just enjoying Mike's steady hand in mine. Found the W2 start group. Found James waiting for his start. Got hugs from him and Celia. Met his mate Grant too.
Then I was in my group, approaching the start line. I chatted to the woman next to me. Emily Junck (it helps that we all have our names on our bibs). Talk about amazing. She'd just moved here from Seattle 2 months ago, did no training, had no one here to support her and just turned up to ride the whole way. I hope she did well.
Anyway, our race started around 8.55am, I guess. The conditions were overcast, possibly rainy and not a lot of wind. Almost perfect, really. In my start group there were about 8 women. Not enough for a bunch to form, so that was disappointing.
Off I go! |
I was riding by myself, but passing back and forth with a few people I started to recognise. I was passing people from the previous group as well. I was under my mark for 20km by about 4 or 5 minutes, and again at 40km. So I was chuffed with my time. But at the 50km mark I felt my back tyre start to bump a lot. I looked at the road and it was super bumpy so I was hoping it was just that. But I got onto slightly smoother road and the bumping continued. I stopped in a road entrance and looked down. Back tyre was flat. Doh!
I jumped off and took all my gear out for changing it. New tube. Levers. A lot of people asked if I was ok. That was nice. I finally got my back tyre off and the tube out when the mechanic support van pulled up. Some nice young man whose bike had broken and was getting a lift came out and helped me change it. He inspected the tyre and I pulled out a decent rose thorn/prickle thing. I reckon that was the culprit.
He got my tube back in and pumped up and left for his van ride back. Poor guy. I got my tyre back on and then headed off again.
By this time I was held up easily by 20 mins or slightly more. Gah! And I had even less people around me to ride with. So I was alone for the rest of the race. I did overtake relay riders though.
Bottom of Kuratau Hill I spotted Celia and she cheered me on. I loved coming down Waihi hill into Tokaanu.
I saw Mike and Toby cheering me on at Turangi - super nice to see them. I got there at about 5 hours and 5 mins. I really tried to ride hard for the next stretch. I got to the bottom of Hatepe hill at 5 hours 55 mins and got to the top by 6 hours 5 mins. From there, it was good that the wind wasn't too fierce so I tried to ride hard again. I made it to the finish by 6 hours 55 minutes.
Phew! I totally would have easily made my 6 hours 30 mins goal without the puncture. So I am fairly happy. It was 25 minutes faster than my previous time, even so.
And now I have a goal for next year. Right?
I saw Mike and Toby cheering me over the finish line, and Sreejith and his family doing the same. I met Celia and James (and Celia's mother) at the end. So much support. And so many texts wishing me luck. I was really happy with everyone just willing me on.
We got back home and I showered and then we got some food and headed to Celia and James' accommodation. James works with Sally and they live in Taupo (Sally and her partner Greg). I don't think I have ever been felt so welcome to someone's house before. Wow! They were amazing people. Toby played with their wee pup, Willis. He is a Shihtzu/Bichon cross. Toby asked if we could visit them again when we were leaving. I think he also realised how welcoming Sally and Greg were. We had a wonderful dinner - I got a scotch fillet steak for my riding efforts and it was cooked perfectly. Yummy salads. Yep - a perfect way to end the day.
Back home for a well needed sleep. My head hit the pillow and I was out for the count. Even with Toby listening to a Harry Potter movie right next to our room.
Replete cafe iced coffee |
Next morning we got up and packed up and planned to meet Sreejith and his family at Replete Cafe. But as we grabbed a table Sreejith had backed his bike rack into his rear windscreen. Smashed it. Doh! Bad luck.
They managed to meet us for breakfast and sort out a temporary cover for the window for their drive home.
Did bump into Helen, Iona and Col's friend. She did the twice around Taupo. And she looks so normal on the outside. Hahah. She said it was tough. No wonder! it was tough just going around once!
Willis on top of Toby |
Willis and Toby |
We left to drive home and made good time. Home by 2pm. Felt a wee quake last night. Still shaky here a bit.
Thank you to everyone for wishing me well. I had such a good time. Can't wait for next year already.