Monday, October 30, 2017

The weekend in Wellington


After heading home, Mike made a lovely BBQ dinner for me.  Then he made one for himself and Toby.  Then Doro and Zoey came around and Mike made tea for them too.  Smudge was a little unsure of Zoey this time so Toby kept her downstairs.

I also went to Innocent Foods at lunchtime on Friday and enjoyed a Buddha Bowl.  Yum!  And a flu juice (although that horse may have bolted).

Buddha bowl for lunch on Friday

BBQ for tea - scrumptious!

Saturday I could barely talk when I woke.  But eventually I could croak out words.  Celia dropped by with tomato seedlings for us.  How cool.  Mike and Doro went for a huge walk with Zoey.  Toby and I went grocery shopping for his Halloween party.

In the afternoon I heard from Celia that James had smacked into a parked car at high speed and broke his collarbone.  Ouch!  I can't believe it.  The poor guy.  I hope he recovers well.

Toby's mates turned up around 4pm and they were actually well behaved.  Not too noisy really.  They ate more junk food than I thought possible.  Walked down to Magnus's house and ate pizzas.  Watched several movies.

Mike and I stayed in our room for the most part.  Although I did venture out to get pumpkin pie, courtesy of Molly.  Yum!

Sunday morning everyone got picked up fairly early.  Isaac stayed until early afternoon.  My cold made me lazy, so I stayed in bed for a while.  My cold is making me sleepy - and giving me a pathetic cough and a sore throat.  But apart from that, I don't feel sick, really.  Hopefully it won't hang around very long.  I guess I have had symptoms for a week now.  Hmmm.

Mike is taking me on a date night movie this week.  Not sure it counts if Toby is also coming.  Hahahah.  We're seeing Bladerunner.  Oooohhh.  I can't wait.

Enjoy your week ahead.


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