How come Mondays that are public holidays don't feel like two days worth? Life is odd.
Anyway, let's see. What did I do yesterday? Got into work early for yoga. Had yoga. Got into work and worked. As you do.
Oh yeah. Toby came into the doctors, so I met him there after work (ish) and he got some antibiotics for his ingrown toenail. Apparently it is a bit (well, I put a word in there, thinking it was going to say "pus-like" but it turned out to say "pussy" which is not the same thing at all) inflamed with pus. Here's hoping he takes his medicine and it clears up quickly. He's supposed to rest it up.
I gave him some groceries from my stash at work (I went shopping to get crucial things) and I had to take home the remaining things myself on the bus.
Mike jumped on with me and we cooked tea (leftovers) when we got home. Did laundry. Made lunch stuff for the week ahead. Emptied the dishwasher and refilled it. Got stuff ready for the next day. Looked for the Camelbak bladder. Drove stuff into work and collected the bike. Found the bladder while putting commuting bike back in the garage. And fell into bed when I got back.
This morning I rode my road bike in - using my sneakers as one of my logistics from the night before didn't go to plan (I brought in my cycling gear to work last night - but actually brought in my road shoes when I need them to ride my bike in this morning!). Went to Spin.
After work I will ride with Sreejith around the bays. A nice 50km ride. Get home, and head back to collect my gear. Well, that is the plan anyway.
Oh - and yesterday I "watched" a friend's wife compete in this: Running in a desert She is running a marathon, through a desert, every day, for five days! I am simultaneously amazed and scared. I hope she does well.
Have a brilliant day.
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