Friday, November 17, 2017

The Thursday with nothing much


Mike always says my marketing leaves a lot to be desired when I titled my days as "with nothing much".  But really, there wasn't a lot happening yesterday.

Toby did pop in to see me at work after his exams.  We chatted about how they went - he thinks they went ok.  He was up late the night before cramming - says Grandy told him that trick.  Hahahah.  Well, he wasn't too stressed or anxious so I was proud of that.  I bought him some sushi and sat with him while he gobbled that up like I hadn't fed him for days.  Just like the cat, really. 

Finally convinced myself to ride home and enjoyed it.  Mike beat me home though.  Doh!  Cooked tea - the boys had some pasta concoction I made up (broccoli, bacon and cheesy sauce - can't go wrong there!) and I ate more asparagus and haloumi.  Oohh - my dinners are like gourmet.

Anyhow, I had a restless sleep.  It's not like I couldn't sleep, because I actually fell asleep with Mike reading with the light on.  Woke myself up when I dreamed my foot slipped out of a pedal.  I think Taupo might be on my mind.  And fell asleep again, only to be woken up by Mike shouting out to Toby.  Then the rest of the night, I seem to waken, and fall back to sleep.  Who knows?

My ride in this morning was lovely.  The wind is getting up a little.  The sky is slightly overcast.  But it is dry and the weekend beckons.

We have some odd plans for the weekend.  Mike and Toby sound like they may do a day walk tomorrow.  I have an appointment though so I won't go.  Sunday Mike has volunteered to pick up trampers from the bottom of the Wairarapa so I will take my bike and have a good ride.  Last big one before Taupo.  Shake down anything still needing to be shaken down. 

Have a great weekend, whatever you get up to.


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