Wednesday, July 1, 2020

The Tuesday with physio again


The weather is so cold and wet.  Brrr.

Before I disturbed her, she was all stretched out, asleep

I had a physio appointment after work and have more exercises to do. Weak glutes.  The physio never has anything good to say.  Weak this.  Weak that.  Sigh.  Is nothing even a tiny bit good?

Anyway, Mike and Janine picked me up.  Mike had crucial groceries for Toby's tea and he dropped me home and I cooked it up for Toby and Tessa.  Mike and Janine flagged the walk up Mt Kau Kau and went to the pub instead.

Good plan.  It was yuck weather still.

Another cold morning for the group PT session this morning.  Wow.  I left my hoodie on the entire time.

July already.  Wow.  I can't believe how fast the year is hurtling towards Christmas.

Have a wonderful Wednesday.  Stay warm.


Contact Register:
Tue June 30
Mike to Thorndon New World 5.15pm - 5.30pm
Angela to physio 5.30pm - 6pm
Mike and Janine with Vignesh @ Khandallah pub 7 - 9pm

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