Thursday, May 9, 2013

The Wednesday with another migraine for Mike


I rode home and had a ball - such a lovely evening.  Usually slogging up a hill after the working day is done can hardly be referred to as "a ball", but yesterday evening was one of those days!  But when I got in, I had a text from Mike asking if I could come in and collect him because he had a migraine.  Poor chap.  So I did just that, and was only 5 minutes late collecting Toby afterwards.  And that was with Mike having three out of our four sets of car keys on him (and no car, mind you!).  I found the one remaining set for the MX-5 and used another set of house keys to get into the garage.  Then I was off.

Mike went straight to bed after eating something and drinking some water.  Aidan called him and they chatted for a while (mainly while Mike was lying on the bed with his eyes tightly screwed shut).  Mike probably wasn't at the top of his conversation game.  Toby and I had baths and went to bed.

So, apart from the migraine, it was a great evening.  Nice and relaxing.

It is user group night tonight.  It's going to be a quiet evening, I think.  Not a lot of takers have said yes.

Have a great day!

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