Monday, May 6, 2013

The weekend with a bit of a lot of things


Mike went home sick on Friday with a migraine, so our intended Toby handover from Mike's parents to us and a dinner in town never eventuated.  Instead, I went to see Oblivion with Sally and Andrew at Reading Cinemas.  It was okay - I think I would have enjoyed it more without Tom Cruise as the main character.  I don't mind him as an angst ridden male lead, but an action hero is a little bit far for my imagination to stretch.

Waited an hour for the bus home.  This is why I ride my bike.

Mike had to work on Saturday to make up for the Friday sick day (deadlines!) so I couldn't ride my bike to Waikanae as I hoped.  However, it was replaced with a train ride with Toby to Waikanae and I was just as touristy on this trip as I was last time.  My Kindle went unopened on my lap the entire way.  Toby only looked up when I exclaimed about the scenery.

Had a cup of tea with Aidan and heard all about her manic week.  I think she must have pulled off an amazing training session - the attendees are probably still reeling from the 5 day onslaught.  She had highs and lows to regale me with!

Then we all went to see Iron Man 3 (after a quick lunch in the food court - I think I hate food courts around about now).  It was okay - I would have preferred an alien invasion for the boys to watch rather than someone spouting hate to Americans and lots of shooting.  But, the boys rated it either 9 or 10 out of 10 (depending which boy you asked).  So I guess it was just me!

Mike can see himself - or his chest, as Aidan pointed out
We collected a mirror from Aidan.  She has two and asked if we needed both.   I said yes.  But only one would fit in the wee green car, so I think she dejectedly put the other one back in her garage.  Back home and a relaxing evening with the boys.  We put the mirror in the bathroom so Mike can shave.  Well, Aidan said Mike could shave his chest in this mirror.  Yes - we do have to hang it still.  It is a bit low - even for me.  But I am amazed to see myself so early in the day!  I have got used to the surprise as I step into the lift at work with its mirrored walls.  However, I do appreciate it might be too late to do anything about my hair at that stage.  Hence the new-found appreciation for a mirror in our bathroom.

Sunday was so nice - William came over and we went to Joe's Garage for breakfast with Liz.  She has now left Wellington for a week in Dunedin before heading home to Armidale.

Toby happy with his breakfast of bacon, bacon, bacon

William and Toby

Toby captured a close up of his breakfast
We dropped William off and headed to Sally and Andrew's house for a big family gathering.  A fantastic meal - Sally has exceptional skills in that department.  Well, in every department, really.  Ron had a great birthday celebration.

Wandered back home and did the ironing and fell asleep while Mike was sorting out bills and correspondence.  We might be eating rice all this week.

Have a lovely week.  Stay dry.  I got quite wet riding in this morning.  My new colleagues have been treated to the drowned rat version of Angela today.

My workplace roof leaks - there are loads of rubbish bins strewn around the walk ways past desks.  Some of them are rather full of rainwater.  Disturbing really, given the amount of electrical equipment.


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